
Todd Carson.

Incorrect on the parking. Starting last year, they pre-sold all that parking at $20 a day. They have all been sold out for a couple months.

"we're heading into his real to tree his burning. That'll show him."

Catgirls are the gate way to furries. I hate me some furries.

Just remember it's a blog, not a legitimate journalism site. They can do whatever they fuck they want.

No no, let's make Sandcastles in the Sand.

So because you want to not see those notifications on Facebook, you guys want to "kill" a company? You want to put hundreds of people out of a job, at the 7 or 8 locations that Zynga has?

God, I get goosebumps every time I see that video.

They're allowed to say stuff like this because they're not journalists. They're "bloggers."

I'm 28, and this year will be my 17th comic-con in a row; this announcement is good news.

Yeah well, I didn't read much of your comment as soon as you said, "I didnt read much of the article as soon as it started talking about..."

Dude had a pretty nice craft beer selection. Send all that Chimay, Corsendonk, Delirium Tremens, etc my way...

Because it's like holding a christmas ham.

The best part, was Nobuo Uematsu and Hironobu Sakaguchi came up at the end and did a small interview through a translator. After they were done, everyone got up to leave, and the orchestra suddenly broke in to "One Winged Angel."

Me too. It shall remain a mystery.

I hear Video Games Live isn't all that. I went to the first Final Fantasy concert in LA (Dear Friends) and it was absolutely spectacular.

Actually, they have a Heat inspired level...

Whoa, what a comment. I had to double check that this wasn't Deadspin.

Did anyone else think of a delicious Double IPA instead of a noted historical figure, when they read "Pliny the Elder?"

I simply can't complain about the Instant Queue selection. I pay $9 a month to stream a ton of content, and get one DVD in the mail.