@Black Knight Rebel: Hate these comments. Fail
@Black Knight Rebel: Hate these comments. Fail
@UsernameOfTheDead: So WoW is filled with yapping kids? ...mkay.
@BeerManMike: Never had a problem with PS3 Media Server transcoding on the fly.
@IncrediBurch: These already exist. Yeah, they are obscenely expensive, but this isn't "new" tech or anything. It can be done.
@UsernameOfTheDead: How is that different from any other online game?
I remember having use PKZIP.
@Moon2083: They have to be seen in motion. The lip sync is absolutely incredible.
@JS_Drupal: This is a horribly ignorant statement. I'll assume you know absolutely nothing about american craft brewing, and think that Bud/Coors/Miller represents American beer.
@subedii: Show me where it says the number of people who own the game on each platform.
These numbers are meaningless unless we know the installed user base for each platform.
@The Sentient Meat: I think you're confusing "bad game design" with "good money-making design."
@Walter Cronkite: Seriously. It's been on the JP store forever.
I've had it... I prefer Sailor Jerry. Or when you're drunk, Jailor Serry.
I came buckets.
@bobdisgea4: Yeah, because having 1000 Green Lanterns running around Metropolis makes sense?
@Eriamjh: Just you, dude.
@Carpevivere: One of my favorite songs, period.
Ugh, put this on the PS3 please.
@legendnthemaking: ohh nose bleed.