
well you know, because that’s different... /sn

hah I had that same questions. Are there any back up candidates if the VP or VP candidate becomes Prez? Wondering minds like to know....

on sister site The Root a more thoughtful article was posted

huggggsss In my ex’s thinking, as long as he wasn’t hitting me, he did not do anything wrong. Never mind the screaming all night, keeping me up, Repeating his ramblings over and over. It’s been 7 blissful weeks without him

I think he refers to their first born since they hadn’t planned for that pregnancy. The other kids were after their got married and I assume we’re planned since two were thru surrogate.

As someone who is fresh out of volatile marriage with someone who’s mental state was spinning out of control the last few years, I can sympathize. If your partner is threatening suicide but refuses to get help, if he gets increasingly more violent or harmful, when is the best time to leave them? Without them indeed com

It seems like these were all recorded on the same day. Her hair looks exactly the same and I think even make up too! No wonder she’s over hyped on every episode if these were recorded back to back while she’s super pumped up lol.

I listened to her self- narrated audio book (Wildflower) which was quite enjoyable. However...... she does squeal and yelp quite a bit, which at times was startling me while driving. It’s her natural quirkiness I guess. After flashing her boobs at Dave Letterman, she calmed down with all the nudity and eventually

I grew up in Europe. My family traveled on vacations to southern Austria and made day trips to, back in the 70's and 80's still, Yugoslavia. I vividly recall seeing the striking poverty in Bled and Ljubljana as a 10-12 year old. Still under the East Block influence. So yea, it’s cute how they try to spin her backstory

Thankfully I was already instinctively doing some his suggestions. Follow your gut instinct, look people in the face on the street, head up. Not in a downward, evasive manner. 

I loved this episodes. I got a bit anxious when Condola kept on popping up on his phone, as if he was about to hook up with Condola afterwards. The times we’ve seen Issa and Lawrence together more recently they always clicked so well. Both nerdy humor etc. Let’s see if it lasts this time...

I read both his two first books back in the 90s. Here’s another gem: if you’re ever being attacked and the assaillant is trying to get you take you away, it will be even harder to gtfo. Fight/scream whatever you have to do to prevent getting transported to an unknown location is crucial. I also hate strange men

I’m still a frantic nail biter, even at age 50. Getting my nails done keeps me from completely destroying them. I just put glue on ones on to prevent me picking at them. But the glued ones come off after a couple of days etc. I’ve colored my hair for decades but having a pro do it seems to give them a less harsh

One of the few good things that came out of this Rona shit storm is that Ye’s BS church and touring with it is cancelled. Also, when did he become a billionaire when not too long ago his wife had to pay some 20 or 30 million $$ since he was too broke?

I don’t like to hold a grudge(with the exception of some severe cases hah!) but remembering only the good things someone has done, at what point do you let shit slide and when is it important to remember the fucked up shit they’ve done? I think she was beyond just a Karen, she was a leftover from poppy Bush and wanted

I loved that movie back then. Watched quite some times. Hmmm is it available on Netflix? I remember it was an emotional rollercoaster

I see this and am of the thought that if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. You’re not to speak ill of the dead but really? If someone leaves behind a very negative history due to their own choices, be it crime or I don’t know pretending to be someone’s friend and confidant but setting that person up

Now playing

I recently went on a search for this song. Couldn’t remember the title, just a bit of the video. Also the collab with Chaka and Ray Charles..

Our family of 5 is all Team Bernie or Warren and not particularly a fan of Biden. But whomever is the Dem. candidate, he/she will get our vote. The main goal is to replace as many GOP elected officials as possible. Let’s keep our focus on the goal instead of focusing on one favorite only.

>>On second thought, maybe that’s not such a good idea. He still might shoot you and claim coronavirus made him “fear for his life.”<<