
My E39 has those street-side parking lights. If you set the turn signal lever while the car is completely off with the key out, it’ll put the front and rear turn signals on that side on steady.

Nissan had a nice Black Cherry Metallic that did the same thing

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This one has just about all of the car callouts. It even uses them as instruments sorta.

Shouldn’t the horse proximity be red for “near”, as in “you’re getting warmer...”?

A few of the manliest fukkin’ men I know sleep with other men.

SN95 Mustang comes in at 25,270.

With a truck.

That Nurburgring test rig is actually really cool.

“smooth out peak power demands, prevent these surprise shutdowns and ultimately prolong the lifespan of the device”

Does this mean they’re getting rid of the Clarity plug-in?

I’ve actually seen that exact car for sale before, it was being sold alongside another example that had ZERO miles on it. The beater was $5k while the pristine one was $25k.

Cool it, Ray Wert.

That night segment after the intro stops is really something to behold.

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Boy have I got the YouTube channel for you:

Is Lotus ever going to retire or replace that platform? They’ve been building it for twenty years now...

Many shows and movies dub in tire squeal when they’re driving on dirt.

This is gonna be just like all those “last one ever, I swear” edition Zondas, isn’t it?

You know how I get good coffee while traveling? The drive-through.

You know how I get good coffee while traveling? The drive-through.

I just hate how every episode Mike spends like 3/4 of what they spent on the car buying a single cosmetic item, then comes in halfway through the show and starts lambasting Edd because he’s spent his time making the car drive nice instead of making it pretty.