400 ft-lbs of twerk
400 ft-lbs of twerk
I have no clue what these be-overalled ladies are saying but presumably they’re crooning about how cheap, economical, and easy to drive the 126 is.
The slashes I think make the wheels look smaller than they are.
This post exists purely as a backdoor brag.
Magic usually involves smoke & mirrors, both of which the SD1 will happily provide.
The Jetta’s always sort of straddled the line between compact and mid in my mind.
There’s not much now but up until the late 90's pretty much every domestic marque here had at least one mid-size convertible model. Don’t forget, your “full-size” is our “mid-size”. You see the Sebring as being much larger than we do.
Euro convertible choices seem to be limited to either tiny cheap things with a can opener taken to them or large expensive things like mercs and audis. Nothing in between.
It’s probably because they were the cheapest “large” convertibles you could get.
Or an ad for dildos on the front page of an automotive blog.
Some old Subarus had a switch that put the wipers in “winter” mode. When active, they’d rest a few inches higher than normal, right over the defroster vent.
So is nobody gonna check to make sure there isn’t someone in there?
A worthy successor to hasmaldonadocrashedtoday.com