
My E39's passenger wiper works similarly to the Mercedes mono-arm. It’s double hinged in such a way that as it sweeps upwards it gets pulled downward a bit. This flattens out the top of the arc it describes and allows a larger blade to be fitted. I can’t find a good video of it.

So is nobody gonna check to make sure there isn’t someone in there?

A worthy successor to

Buy an Asia Rocsta

*those who have already had their future taken posession of

I think the rarest thing I’ve seen was a BMW ActiveE electric 1-Series. They only built 1,100 of them, most of which were taken back and removed from the road at the end of the lease program.

The bugeyes are a bit off—putting. Might I suggest the rally version instead?

Abandobed Jeeps seem to be a Thing on the Cape. I’m right nearby on the Vineyard and I recently found a mostly intact CJ2A in a shed on a property that my parents have taken over.

Stef, Imma let you finish, but this is the greatest engine swapped Transit of all time.

Fiat Little Boat

Patrick it sounds like you need some XJS in your life.

You’re supposed to feather the throttle, not brick it.

This is going to be exactly like all those other times he’s “handed over the reins”.

How can such an amazing car sound like so much nothing?

The link makes it look real, but it’s a Torch article.

This is some good Torchinsky.

If it blows up that’s one less Juke on the road. I’m more than okay with this build.

If we’re talking about F1 engined road cars, it’s worth noting the car that almost made it into production with not one but two different F1 powerplants. The Jiotto Caspita was originally built and shown with that Subaru Flat 12 in it. The car was later redesigned and repowered with a Judd V10. It made 577hp at 10,750