
No bad blood.

I’m a “priveledged white male”. But I am also gay and as such have my own discrimination to deal with. The only reason I even have the courage to say that is because these comments are nested so deep that no one will see this.

You guys already made a post about this a while ago?

Make a joke about white people and I’ll laugh right along with you.

So what does focusing your rage on one individual accomplish? There’s lots of shit on here that bothers me but I ignore it because the perpetrators exist solely as icons on my screen.

Do you? I don’t know. I don’t assume your motivations like you seem to be doing with mine. If you choose to hate me over some throwaway joke I made about some random people I’ll never meet, then so be it. I won’t hold it against you.

You’re gonna claim you never shitpost for attention?

I never once claimed I wasn’t being racist. Which I’m not. But hey, everyone else seems to enjoy that kind of humor so why not join in and harvest some easy star clicks.

Copilot: Sum Ting Wong

I could make a joke about Asian drivers but I won’t because I’m classy.

Still not as awesome as this

I just hope they don’t blow up any Saabs. We don’t want another Vampire Weekend incident.

That brand name is too prestigious.


That thing looks like someone left a Cobra in the sun for too long.

I see the team of people you keep locked up to write your titles have been the first ones to be laid-off after the GM sale.

Simplify and add slowness

That looks like it should be on a farm somewhere.

It’s every other car. I don’t know why this is so hard for some people.