I find #5 extra annoying, when the driver feels the need to turn their head to face the passenger they’re talking to. They can still hear you if you’re facing forward!
I find #5 extra annoying, when the driver feels the need to turn their head to face the passenger they’re talking to. They can still hear you if you’re facing forward!
That's called buying a GT3RS and essentially just removing the rear wing...
I don’t like my Vehicle VIN Number to be public because I use part of it for my Personal PIN Number for when I use the Automatic ATM Machine.
That Guy™: “That’ll buff out.”
It’s pretty obvious that you’re a paid Mercedes employee, just come out and say it.
Gif usage level: Expert.
Rain soaked roads show no Murci...
God, PLEASE! This all the way!! I’m sick of micro-transactions being the thing for games as well as gameplay that plateaus due to a horrible difficulty curve or item drop rate that borders on stupid.
I played the first one quite a bit, and this one looks really nice.
Bring back Group Bee! (inb4 Skaycog)
Since it doesn’t make any engine noise, I really hope it had a set of external speakers and was blasting that horrible EDM the whole way up the mountain.
Both of them have sentient hair, so there’s that.
If you are going to sensationalize with no actual information you might as well go all the way.
You could see a piece of every person in that garage die. I teared up, I can’t even imagine what it must have felt like for them.
Lose 2015 because you don’t run a turbo. Lose 2016 because of your turbo. The Racing Gods are fickle.
What could anyone possibly not like Lancia for? Are puppies and chocolate not your thing either?
It’s important to gain experience attempting to murder one or two pedestrians or cyclists at a time. Too many Mustang owners think that just because they have several hundred horsepower under the hood that they can immediately start mowing down crowds of people. It doesn’t work that way! You’ve gotta work your way up…