Also, if it wasn't clear, I was referring to your argument as having a dangerous mindset. Not Mike's.
Also, if it wasn't clear, I was referring to your argument as having a dangerous mindset. Not Mike's.
This is a dangerous mindset. It reinforces the ideas that men (in this case a black man, so even worse implications) are dangerous animals that need to control their “beastly” nature’s. It also reinforces the idea that women have an obligation towards marriage and relationships outside of their mutual love and…
I don’t think he’s a good person or anything, and he has done some pretty awful things. Doesn’t sound like he disagrees, if he thinks his own daughter won’t even date black men because of his shit example.
He’s an interesting cat? I think you are letting him off easy. He’s an asshole!
Geez Mike, this is a tough look. Every bit of this interview could be replaced with "toxic masculinity is toxic". He said he would kill himself if he didn’t have a wife. This is a cry for help!
WTF is wrong with white people?
Wait I thought we were bleaching assholes these days? Man I am behind the times.
Same deal with Sanders, he barely knows anything about minorities considering his asinine insistence that black folks should “Respect the police” completely ignoring context.
Because white news reporters are literally color blind but have extra fine perception for beige scale.
As a white man myself, I have no idea man. Not one.
White people are weird, they weird out other white people!
He’s nothing more than Log Cabin Republican. And he knows nothing about Black people. And Castro, a superior candidate, who actually understands black people is barely getting any traction.
I’d be lying if I said I that wasn’t the last article I read. Lord help us all.
WTF? Sun tanning assholes? And it’s not a whole person?
Now hold on there
But what if he brought you some ribs?
If I ever dated a dude who called me his “rib,” I’d dump him with the quickness.
What is this thing? Is it the biblical rib? The whole, a man gets to be a whole person but a woman is just a small fraction of a whole person thing? And why do I have a taste for rib tips now?
That “rib” shit is stupid. Cut it out, men.