
Not in New Zealand it ain't!

Next question for this august panel: What would the world be like if it followed Silver Age physics?

I mean, one of my all time great culinary experiences was coming back from a week of backpacking and laying waste to a pile of McDonald's foodstuffs. To everything there is a season.

WTF were they thinking with The Last Unicorn?

"Am I doing this right?"
-The A.V. Club…. IN BED

In as far as my poo generally comes out in a fairly linear fashion, yes.

Amen. Oh, you meant hair!

Well, if you take the "Tila" out of her name….

Anything worth doing is worth doing well, so if you think trolling is worth doing….

"…wasted a whole bunch of people's time. Great job indeed." The AV Club
(Am I doing this right?)

Let's stipulate that the earth is a flat disk constantly accelerating at 9.8 m/s^2 and that the earth is different because G-d said so.

Fun physics 101 fact, it will actually oscillate and if we ignore air resistance in addition to the crapton of stuff we ignored to get that hole it can be modeled as a perfect spring!

I think it's more likely an elephant. Then, if they KEEP digging, there's a turtle.

Somehow I'm in the negative!

I mean, you do if your parents didn't. And dogs don't get to either… maybe they wouldn't like a doggy Bris but it would be nice to be asked

I mean, the trade off is that I get to decide whether to keep my balls or not, so there is that…

Sic semper tyranis!!!

"No animal has been anthropomorphized more in popular culture than the horse…"

That's some verbal dexterity right there.

20,000 times is just bad environmental practice. Seriously, just set up a Facebook group.