
Oh look, another pretentious Manhanttanite.

buddy it says NSFW right on the headline

How recently did you upgrade?

In Japan the national age of consent is 13 but all prefectures have a higher age of consent. I think 16 is the lowest and that’s very few. It’s 18 for most.

You seem like the type of person that is never happy with a product.

According to Bulbapedia Oak’s Japanese name is オーキド

It’s him. “オーキド” is “Oak” in Japanese, roughly. It’s the same as his Japanese name.

It’s him. “オーキド” is “Oak” in Japanese, roughly. It’s the same as his Japanese name.

Univision must really hate Jill Stein, huh?

No, you wouldn’t. Engineers don’t get tough pedagogy, therapy, psychology, philosophy, biology, or political science. Get the fuck off your STEM high horse.

But did they unlock the secret to hours of tantric sex? These are the questions that matter.

I think I already responded to you but dude have you not watched the news lately?

Your yellow peril is showing.

Eh, I’m not sure I’d describe the US as progressive. That’s a bit of a strong word. Both Japan and the US have a very healthy dose of modernism in their culture nowadays, and critical thinking isn’t exactly a part of modernism (Well, theoretically it is. In practice not so much.)

The funny thing is that anarchism is associated with the left basically everywhere outside the US.

Not...really? Marx died before he could write about what he though should actually occur. There’s a great deal of debate about this on the “Left” (I take it since you capitalized it it’s a proper club now. I wonder why I didn’t get a meeting invitation) and many different ideas about what government should look like

Film probably means “as opposed to still photography”

I watched the LA one and then the NYC one. I’ve lived in LA much much longer than I have in NYC but recognized almost every location in the NYC one. Huh

I’ve done it on Kerbal Space Program so

I just dug through the version history and didn’t see if the Unity 5 update involved multi-core or hyper threading support. I play KSP on a 2.0 Ghz quad core i7 MacBook with integrated graphics and I do okay, especially if I don’t mod the shit out of the damn game.