
I just don’t feel it with Melissa. 

This version of Biden seemed to draw more on the ‘Diamond Joe’ persona, and I thought: if they were going to end up there, why not just bring in Sudeikis for the role?

I wanted to find it funny, but for some reason just...didn’t. I’m glad they took the shot, though. The more shots, the more chances SOMETHING hits.

The only positive thing I can say about the opening sketch is that I’m glad they seemed to have move on from basing Carrey’s comedic take on “Biden is senile” and are trying different things. They still haven’t landed on a comedic take that works but at least it’s less damaging to Biden the candidate right before this

Who is she to debate the president?

If you mean why he released the interview himself, I think it’s obvious he’s trying to lower the viewership for that episode of 60 Minutes, which he can then gloat about as evidence that Real Americans are on his side.

Hey! Who are you to debate timmiereeves?

You know you can “storm out” at any point, right. There isn’t a “storm out clock.”


Please then with all the time and patience without any interruption,

But Trump is like the best card table ever made! Experts say no one has ever seen anything like it.

A journalists only job is supposed to be trying to get someone to answer question...” You got that part right at least. 

Pointing out when the president says an obvious lie is exactly the job of a journalist. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Journalists are SUPPOSED to have an adversarial relationship with the government. It’s literally why you dummies have a fucking first amendment. You want stenographers? Hire fucking stenographers.

You should be embarrassed by your comment honestly. 

Every time I think, this has got to be the one. This is the one that will make his deluded followers see that obviously this isn’t a strong man. Obviously this isn’t a wise man. You wouldn’t even let this guy watch your dog for the weekend, let alone the nuclear launch codes. Only a coward would think an interviewer

They’ll actually see this as a win.

The basic response seen from media about Trump releasing this interview is that no one seems to be able to figure out why the hell he did this. And these are people who have covered him for four years, have seen all the things he has done, have kind of come to a certain understanding of his behaviour and are still

Definitely a hard disagree here. I guess how ones takes the finale depends on how one feels about the Dani and Jamie relationship. It always worked for me so this was a really strong end even after the previous episode sapped momentum.