"As the official bedding sponsor of the NFL, we demand Mr. Thomas be fined for flagrantly endorsing our competitor."
Of course scoring on Jets is easy for Denver players. Every single one of them is already a member of the Mile High Club.
You're just sour because Denton planted snipers all over Gawker HQ to remind you of your hit targets.
Nurse: Are you sure this is what you want?
Shelby's dedication to his craft is an example young defensive ends should emulate. Even on his off days he's practicing the backside contain.
Not much man what's raw with you
Holy shit I met my wife in that bar.
I'm a Cardinals fan and I wouldn't be caught dead in that shirt. Mostly because I'm white.
Internet commentator: "How dare that man not give 100%! Blah blah blah, rabble rabble (posts while at work)"
but scrubs are scrubs, and no amount of practicing with them is going get a guy 100 percent ready to run with the first team.
It is also more satisfying when you pretend that Brett Favre is dead.
Traffic on I-35 is raging, things are really strained on the 183 near the airport. We've got some major bulging northbound on 130 near exit 437. Meanwhile, it's just barely inching along on the Brett Favre Memorial Parkway.
Considering which way I lean, I can't believe I'm going to say this, but the Karcher K2.27CCk 1600 PSI Electric Power Washer with Dirt Blaster Wand is actually a decent piece of equipment.
The crowd was successfully able to distract Diaw with their chant of "Ich bin ein Berliner!"