
How can you be so sure this will kill the meme? It might propel it to new heights given Winston's visibility and stature on campus; I'm betting a lot of people are hearing about it for the first time today. Indeed, someday we may look back and say Winston's act was the meme's Seminole moment.

People knew it was Winston when they noticed that nearby FSU campus police were looking the other way.

Winston: Fuck her right in the pussy!


Of course, when RG3 says "He was watching over me," he's referring to Malsumis, the Native American god of cruelty who has been plotting his demise since the day he was drafted.

It just fucking sucks that this guy of all people is effectively punished with a short timeout.

Don't be ridiculous. Junior covered his tracks well.

Now we get to find out who the NFL cares less about, women or kids.

This is disgraceful. It was Patriot Day yesterday. Veterans Day is in November.

much of the scouting report obtained by WSB-TV has been redacted

He's got some African in him. And I don't say that in a bad way, other than he definitely believes in witchcraft and probably has AIDS.

Keith Olbermann Doesn't BELIEVE How Much His Sister-in-Law Makes Every Day From Home!

Keith Olbermann Decimates The NFL

Goodell is a mendacious tool who's undoubtedly going to to get canned or can himself in the near future. But Ray Rice is unlucky. I say that not to defend his conduct in any way; slugging your wife/girlfriend is categorically reprehensible and his indefinite suspension is well deserved. The fault in his stars (or

Roger Goodell: [walks into a bar]

More like Roger Morallysuspectdell, amirite?

Also, it's good with the press.

16. How far can anyone acting as an agent of or at the direction of the NFL or the Baltimore Ravens punt a football?

1. If jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel, then how di-

The most disgusting part of this is that Michael Gearon still thinks it's okay to own minorities.