Exactly, it's not like he even has a job.
Exactly, it's not like he even has a job.
"My gratuity reflects the harsh reality that my burger not only wasn't the craaaziest burger I've had in the continental United States, but that it did not even rise to the level of slightly deranged; it was barely akin to a sorority girl whose boyfriend hooked up with her best friend. Perhaps next time I shall be…
"Exculpatory? Listen, firstly of all, they are still married. And B, I just don't see how you can see her as culpatory."
So, the anti-gambling agency just bet everything against Germany?
I don't understand.
sans sterling?
ring dings
Lmao! A potato! Hahahaha. Good one. I can't believe no one has thought of that before!
I just don't see why this is such a big deal. Rounding the bases with a shit-eating grin was a nightly occurrence for Chuck Berry.
I think Obi(91)1 was their only Hope.
Oh sure. But when J.J. Redick exercises the same option, he's a pariah.
This team is probably going to select seven feet worth of damaged goods
Ask your wife.
This is the best.
There won't be a Game 6
Almost as incredible as Tony Parker's behind-the-back pass to Brent Barry's wife.