
It's hard to imagine that, for something this important, a guy could just skate by with almost zero scrutiny. That a guy with none of the requisite qualifications could just slip through the screening process, past dozen of checks, and be allowed to wander - befuddledly - into the inner sanctum of power, interacting


lol, son.

Who pissed in their Cheerios? The multiracial family from the earlier commercial.

Confused why #fuckcoke is trending on twitter. I thought Philip Seymour Hoffman died of a heroin overdose

Hell, it beats the signs in Rio:

Why would somebody think that JASON KEIDEL MOLESTS CHILDREN? I've actually never heard somebody say that JASON KEIDEL MOLESTS CHILDREN before. Has JASON KEIDEL ever been ACCUSED OF MOLESTING CHILDREN? I guess you are right, though. The only way we can be sure the whole JASON KEIDEL MOLESTS CHILDREN narrative is

I think Jason Keidel, who obviously doesn't molest children, really needs to put out a few columns on the subject to disprove to all those idiots that think JASON KEIDEL MOLESTS CHILDREN.

(Kroenke exits his stretch limo and approaches a group of no-goodnik juvenile deliquents in East St. Louis.)

Answer: It was an inside job.

They're such good friends that Carroll even convinced Macklemore to dedicate his album title to 9/11.

"Strong take."

Mexico could do a lot worse.

We said he set race relations back 30, 50, 100 years.

He purposefully didn't finish, just so he could have "1 Target, 0 drops" on the police report.

Winslow kept his left hand on a football at first, so it'd feel like a stranger took over when he switched hands.

"Oh, and your name is Victoria, like the diamond crown wearing despot of Great Britain in the days of yore. Well wear your crown of thorns you martyr as the mantle of the Internet aggrieved (or "internets" as your apparent friend George Walker Bush once ignominiously deemed it), though you are nowhere near a

Welcome Back, Percy Harvin

Wow. The sky truly is the limit for this kid.

Birdman isn't copyright infringement? He's an attorney, he should be all over this.