
Thanks for the response. The reason some people might not believe the doomsayers is because the story keeps changing and really never passes scrutiny. Sure there are models, but those are just models. They don't prove out real climate behavior. For instance this article exposes nearly the exact same logic used to

Right now, until some major new revelations or discoveries, life and Earth are very special in the grand scheme of things. Whether from a religious view or a scientific view, I don't know how you could think otherwise!

I don't mean this as a personal affront but the term "climate deniers" is really silly. I don't think anyone on either side denies there is climate! And as for the "longer we delay" you have to remember, many of the dire predictions of 10, 20, 30, and more years ago regarding man caused global cooling or global

I know I am in the minority here but I am getting more and more disappointed with this show as it goes. This last episode was nearly all cartoon! And when they showed some visual effects they were so loose that they really did a disservice to the material. I found fault from a scientific and reality viewpoint in

Actually every one of the disciplines he mentioned has self-correcting mechanisms! Economies are constantly self correcting as new markets emerge, new technologies, new struggles, etc... Philosophy has never been static, with new philosophers contributing logic and reason to the human condition in new ways over the

You absolutely hit it out of the park with this post. I couldn't have said it better.

But when we unmask the deception, such as the climatologists suppressing conflicting data or erasing dissenters' papers and studies, did that lead to change? Or just more deception and political agendas?

We have to at least try to corrupt science with deception?


I know more atheists that wish we would defund NASA and stop spending money on research than I know Christians that say that. That doesn't mean my anecdotal evidence represents the norm but it does say speak to the possibility that it's not just Christians that espouse this.

I struggle with this same hypocrisy. This site seems to revel in anti-religious articles. It actually does a disservice to it's readers when it continues to drudge up animosity and division against people of faith. And it doesn't even need to. I don't even see how religion need be brought up on this site at all,

I know. Scientists used to embrace challenging of their theories and notions. Now when someone dares ask a science question that differs from the liberal viewpoint they are lambasted and ridiculed. It's really sad to see the lack of diversity of thought. How many would dare question the norm if they will lose

Well said. I am incredibly disappointed that io9 is advocating that science should be mixed/spoiled by politics. It's really sad to see that science will now be corrupted like anything else money/power/politics touches. What a shame to see a good site continue to fall.

"The retailer had first discussed closing the Jonquiere store last October, saying that the store was losing money." Seems like the store was already in trouble and the unionization was only going to exacerbate that.

Thanks for providing the link. That article provided no insight into the other side. It was pretty much one sided.

Thanks for sharing. Yes I do see your point with the quote you called out above. I can see the difference and agree with you. I appreciate your viewpoint. It's my genuine hope that the two communities, religious and scientific, would not be pitted against eachother since they really are not opposites and both can

Somehow I think there is probably more to the story than explained above.

Some people think they can make wild accusations and drop a bomb like Republicans think a solution is to "Kill all non-white people" without getting called out. Then again, it is the internet. I guess I am done here too. :)

They don't want unions. Ok. That's their choice. Again, that alone does not define them as an "awful employer." I don't particularly like unions either. I don't work at a company that is unionized. That's my choice. That doesn't make me an awful employee.