
Hello everybody peeps!

I’m not saying we’ve necessarily become more stupid

Really? He seems so humble

Or install a camera covering the front door

I have two shiny, round stones. I want to introduce a third stone, but believe that the original stones may get jealous.

We can’t allow this to happen to Yanet Garcia!

Why not both? Main series with MU Georgiou, but also storylines set in the past. Bring in Sonequa Martin-Green for a two parter exploring their relationship for example

He was too busy with Black Mirror to make 2017 Wipe

So, similar to how an angel gets wings when a bell is rung, a demon gets a penis via windchimes?


But what you do isn’t discussion, it’s trolling. Even your username is bait.

“[Ghostwatch] traumatised half of Britain

I’d like to know who Andy is

I have no problems with comments, but my adblock plus on chrome blocks all tweets and videos.


Oh-HO! Too good for 144p, are you?

Now playing

The #Cancelsouthpark bit started with the trailer for this season

I don’t think finding a parallel constitutes being deranged

Like all the people that take CinemaSins seriously. So many complaints that a comedy video doesn’t live up to their idea of a ‘serious’ review video. They’re not meant to be taken seriously!

Sounds like you haven’t read the books at all