I also stopped watching around then, it was like they tried too hard to make her Effie. But it did not work. I might watch the last season, though, at some point.
I also stopped watching around then, it was like they tried too hard to make her Effie. But it did not work. I might watch the last season, though, at some point.
I stopped watching...I don't know when exactly. But she was just about one the most unlikeable characters I had seen on TV, that started out as a semi-decent human being.
If you want to game, buy a PC. But I feel you.
Are there any articles on this sort of thing?
That's called white privilege ;)
Yeah...that's not condescending at all.
I might be the only one here, but can I just say that I love Tank Girl, for all of its horribleness? I mean. You love it because it's bad.
Most people I know, including myself, that cry "cultural appropriation" are in fact, people of colour.
I agree. Getting sleep is crucial to one's health, and a lot of people really take it for granted. And your circadian rhythm *is* incredibly important. -Love, someone with a sleeping disorder.
I live off of goodreads. I've got to say though, cataloguing books (like he does) sounds like it would take away the enjoyment of reading from me. I do quite like goodreads, however. It's got a community aspect to it, too, as you mentioned, that makes it interesting.
My first thought was, uh, why are they white? Seriously? But it goes to show how much whiteness permeates in culture.
Some of it is cultural, there are different ways to be sarcastic. Or to not be at all.
They're cancelling Warehouse 13? Why! How could they? In favour of what, Defiance? Ugh. I am going to need a little time.
Um, that's very much not what depression is.
Are other ships supposed to be "entities"? I mean that in all seriousness. The TARDIS has a mind of her own. If she could talk, we wouldn't even need the doctor.
Honestly...I'm not a Star Trek fan. But I am a huge Fuller fan. And two WoC as leads? It sounds kind of amazing.
I'm starting to really like this show. "Sarah's" fauxaccent stil irritates me but I am going to pretend it has become Canadianized because she moved to Toronto at a young age.
I don't want Felix to be a monitor. If he is, he's doing a great job...
Aren't Allison's kids adopted? I am very curious about Sarah's daughter, though.