Depends on who's viewing, what I'm sharing/what's being seen...
Depends on who's viewing, what I'm sharing/what's being seen...
People don't like to be held accountable for their actions- unless it's like confession, where admission absolves you of your misdeed and the subsequent guilt. That being said, I don't like apologizing or won't if I know I am in the wrong.
The sexy girl in the photo looks considerably less bizarre wearing these. Thank you clever marketing. But aesthetically, the glasses themselves? Not a fan.
Ah, yes, well that was my bad for not remembering that you all think in terms of the US. We don't have $2 wages in Canada, at least not "legally." It's all relative, I suppose. Houses prices on average higher here than in the US, but food is cheaper in...big cities. In 1990, the lowest minimum wage was was $4.75. Now…
I don't know how old you are, but I feel like people now are either more aimless, or the opposite. It's really easy to specialize in some random field that you like now. Previous generations opened those doors for us. I mean it doesn't mean you'll make money doing it, but it's easier to get some obscure degree now…
Where do you live? Where I am, the average price of a home is half a million dollars. And they can be peanut sized.
Yes, 13 year olds on the internet now have access to everything. It disappoints me that they're not....more informed.
That's a good point. House prices are much higher than they used to be, depending on where you live. But wages have increased. The value of the dollar has changed, the cost of living... Living standards, though, are changing every year. Some of it is just unnecessary. Some of it is more complicated than that, because…
I both agree and disagree. Our generation is assuredly spoiled in so many ways, but I would say children born in that span between Gen X and the internet generation are still fairly spoiled on many levels. Information at our fingertips as grown adults, technology like never before, culture and food are commodified in…
These generation periods don't make sense to me, especially with the changing face of technology. Why are people born in the 80s lumped together with people that would now be 13 years old? I would say the spread of globalization and the internet vastly changes how youth interact with the world. I would say it should…
Yes, that's pretty much all the show is.
That's really interesting. I think I'm a sequential worker...
I think somehow, you'll survive.
are you a real person?
Do people not do this?
I hope you own like, at least ten pairs.
Interesting as I read this as a way to monitor my parents' computer usage :p
Clannad is horrible. There are a ton of anime out like that, though.
Maybe because you guys are brainwashed.
There are definitely confusing elements: