They are amazing.
They are amazing.
I can pack like a pro, if I need to. But either way, unless I decrease the amount of things I want to bring, it always ends up being overweight. So I may or may not just pack like this because I'll be overweight anyways. I definitely bring more crap than I need because sometimes it's hard to account for weather.…
Not this?
These are in poor taste.
"Take a good look at it/ Look at it now/Might be the last time you'll have a go round
I'm pretty sure fans, such as myself, would go ballistic if he wasn't in it.
That's mam, to you. :)
How is piracy if you've paid for it?
I like this one! Thanks.
121 now :P
Oh yeah, no my mac just gets angry when I don't shut it off. Doesn't use that much power. It has some issues-possibly ram, I need to take it in..but that aside, if I don't restart it every so often it starts acting funny.
31 votes
My PC uses more power than I like, so I now shut that off (for the most part) when I'm done. I also have started using my macbook...far too much and abandoned my desktop. I probably don't shut the laptop off as much as I should. I do...when I remember or when I don't have a million things open that I need later (work).
Everything is more expensive outside the US...even before the US dollar plummeted. Interestingly though, if the option is available, I'm sure people would pay for US services (not converted, just pay the US price with our dollars) because it's cheaper. I know many people do, now, when they can. Either through run…
Yeah, it's bizarre. You're not alone, don't worry. Many too many US citizens afraid of prosecution :P With the FBI reading this thread and all.
CDs, maybe, but you can usually redownload mp3s you've already purchased. There was a time when CDs were a penny! supposedly from those CD clubs. Then they were $10. Then they were $20. In 2000, I actively downloaded, but I also spent all of my teenybopper allowance on CDS. I remember paying as much as $30 for a CD,…
Newsgroups? How many years ago were you downloading? o.o
I agree with your first statement. For US Netflix, you're not paying that much, you can stop and start whenever and the content you get is decent. Americans complain about it all the time, but if you compare it to Canadian Netflix...well. Canadian Netflix is not so great. But overall, it's more convenient. Except that…
I get it, I get the outliers of what you're saying, but..seriously, dude. Yeah, it's annoying. I pay for unblocker now, and watch things on Hulu out of laziness. But, uh, it's a stretch to call it "discrimination" as it sort of demeans the bigger picture of what discrimination is all about. And your comments about…
All from Americans, though, eh? Content is widely available for you, free or paid.