
What constitutes "30 hours straight?" Does this involve not moving too? I would say 20-something hours is doable (if you get up at 7 am to play and play straight until the next morning) including breaks to use the washroom and...possibly eat while you play...Not speaking from experience, or anything...

Doesn't mean she would fuck you.

In Japan or on Kotaku?

Eh, you're an Other, you know? Alla'youz look the same.

Gawker barely filtering system, and Kotaku isn't exactly a hotbed of intelligence, or open-mindedness. Thanks for trying, though. I hope at least some lurkers read, and learn something.

No. It happens today. It's worse, if anything, because western society isn't as openly racist as they used to be.

Are you Arab?

Erm, not to throw any alarms...but it is possible to hack people's webcameras. Your light could also be broken, though.

What if the kid wears a disguise? Also, it's not...entirely accurate. Sometimes it will recognize you, but sometimes....not so much.

To be fair, the article is lengthy, especially for skimmers.

I love my kinect but it freaks me out. Once I realized that it's always on, and tracking you, I started turning it around so it faces the TV. I tried to get my mother to use it a few times, and I once made a joke that the camera sends feedback to the government/Microsoft and is always recording you. I am not 100%

Well, when it's on, the green light will be on..

Many of us...

Um, what about bullying, and abuse?

Second this.

I don't get that. I know a lot of single friends start to resent their friends with kids for whatever reason, but some of them also want to spend time with the mother. Why not come over and help take care of the kid? The only friend I have (that I like) with a baby is far from here, but when I'm in town I do try and

Where do you live that you guys only make $2 an hour?

Wow. Because the west doesn't have any sexist air hostess guidelines? Take a look an US and Canadian flight guidelines. They're pretty much the same.

Well, it can disrupt your sleep. The higher alcohol content in you, the less likely you are to sleep properly.

Ah, in agreement with all of these things. Loved HIMYM, hate watched it, can't watch it. New Girl started as a hate watch, and now I like it. (Unlike some shows that I liked from the get go, Mindy Project etc)