
Oh my goodness, this looks magical. Maybe with all the awesome funding they’re getting, they’ll consider expanding sizes a teeny bit, too. I’m a size 18, and they do go up to an XXL in the sweatshirt variety, so I might be able to fit into that... But a straight-size XXL is often different from a plus-size XXL, so,

Not to be a buzzkill, but how annoying that they have more big (and even TALL) sizes for men but not women. Always!

Amy Pond, is that you? The TARDIS blue is a nice touch.

I just got my Huckabee bible from Amazon; can you help me with the word scramble on page 8?

It's sacred, like the bible, so you shouldn't be reading it with your dirty unwashed eyes. You need specially trained interpreters to tell you what is in those documents.

I actually had an interview with an interior design company that I was interested in working for. The owner told me in the interview that she doesn’t hire unwed/single mothers because their kids keep them from work. I stopped her there, told her what she said was discriminatory, I was a single parent and that we were

The poor bounce “back” constantly. And “back” is poor. If individual acts of resilience were enough to put a serious dent in poverty that shit would’ve already happened.

I am a relatively recent grad of a doctoral program in social work, and this article touches on so many things that I found demoralizing about my experiences in the social justice / poverty / education research and academic sphere.

I am so glad this issue is finally coming to light and being talked about. I lived through a version of this as a disabled person working in disability services. First, you go to college and learn all about how people like yourself can’t this and can’t that and have this or that emotional vulnerability, all of which

Never met a brown person that wanted to be white. Maybe treated like white people, but never the color of white people. I will say some brown people wanna be lighter brown. That's it.

SPF30 is some melanin haver shit. Us true day walkers require SPF50+

Nice try, JONATHAN.

This was a very unsubtle way of asking you to be my friend.

LALITHA oh my god that’s right. I just peed a little out of sheer joy that if anyone ever tries to tell me Franzen isn’t better than the greasy guy in your entry level workshop with a faux-literary “accent” and no talent I can say Lalitha to them.

fine....... you can hang over there with your proletariat clit............. me and my discernment clit will be over here practicing saying “nietzsche” over and over till it sounds natural

If you haven’t read Freedom, I can promise you that all the writing in there is just as bad as the sex parts. I would also like to remind/inform everyone about the plotline in that book where a middle-aged man falls in love with a younger Indian woman, and guess what her name is? Guess? What? Her? Name? Is?

What. What is this shit. This sounds like a horror story.

Franzen is a shit writer. I never understood what all the hype was about with that guy. He’s not even good enough to be considered a hack. Shitty plots, fair-to-middling characterizations, and dialogue so stilted, even the circus wouldn’t accept it. Shut up, Franzen.

Love how her only explanation for her own incompetence is literally that the world is ending. Like, Michelle, honey, that’s not the reason you can’t keep up with your briefings.