Steven Adams is the pale Roman Reigns.
Steven Adams is the pale Roman Reigns.
Yeah?? I’ve seen five before, and three or four on multiple occasions. Guess it just depends who you’re playing.
I love spoilers! I read about them before watching and it makes no difference to me.
Didn’t blizzard release a video a few weeks ago explaining that their philosophy is to favor the shooter?
They went into careful detail.
That situation with the Reinhardt charge is exactly that. It favored D.Va because she was shooting and you were using a non-shooting skill. The server processed the shots over your…
Agreed. These days I find gamers to over-analyze a lot, especially once competitive play comes into the picture.
I’ve played almost every big FPS out there, and I never even noticed this through beta and the last few days, and wouldn’t have if I didn't read this.
And the problem for Blizzard, after having positioned this as an eSports competitor, is the moment something like that causes a pro a match or a tournament, the entire community will be up in arms at best. At worst, the game will be abandoned by the pro scene entirely.
That’s cool. Wrath and BC were my favorite—until Pandaria. :p
Oh, sweetie.
Looks very cool, atractively priced, but other than being on basic 4/4 beat there didnt seem much connection to the music (particularly melody). Are there ways to increase/decrease the complexity of the landscape/action items?
This type of response is why these posts exist. Go beat your kids some more.
She opened the door when she claimed the women were willing participants who threw themselves at Cosby. She’s also a business partner and manager, and she probably thought when this started that it would be (once again) swept under the rug. Don’t kid yourself, she’s in it up to her neck.
It's a fabrication about majors. It was a pun, dummy.
I did too. The beta was really solid and the game pretty much completed at this point, so it’s not like you pre-ordered w/o knowing what you’ll get.
As someone who is in love with Overwatch, without any particular hard on for Blizzard. I think it is a matter of the game either speaking to you or it doesn’t. I can see the tone of the game not being for everyone.
Don’t watch this if you’re Gordon Gund, either.
Well, remember who Curry is playing right now vs. who LeBron is playing right now. Also, that regular season record matters. 73-9 is REALLY FUCKING DIFFICULT.
It’s debatable, and I can prove it: Steph Curry is the best player in the world.
And their antibiotic laced supershit, which is then used for fertilization of crop soil. And antibiotic runoff into the water resevoirs. And so on and so forth. It’s not unlike sending samples of our weapons to North Korea so they can learn about them and counteract us.
Everyone says that until it’s them on their backs in the hospital with tears in their ears staring the grim reaper in the face. Or someone they love.