
that’s what I don’t get. There’s some dude call “Cabbage patch doofus” or something that keeps posting that pizza hut be forcibly made to deliver to these neighborhoods until the city makes a decision if cancelling service is warranted. He suggests that burden of responsibility is on the police and municipality. Why

Is pizza delivery a constitutional right? No. If an employer keeps having to see their employees sent to the hospital because they were mugged, they protect their safety. You think these businesses want to turn down a dollar? When their employees are hurt or in danger they can’t/won’t work. It’s that simple. Why do

Jesus fucking Christ, there is just no end to this blog’s bullshit. Always finding a reason to hate someone just for being white. fucking Christ, fuck off and do some real journalism. This blog needs to be shuttered, pronto

This article just shows how quick these blog writers are to blame businesses but not the people that perpetrate these crimes. You have this doofus in the comments suggesting that Pizza Hut be forced to keep delivering until the local government determines statistically if the neighborhood is safe or not. Uhh no,

Lol keep posting it doesn’t make your argument any more correct. You think this business wants to turn down making another dollar? You’re saying that if this private franchise keeps having their employees assaulted from repeat deliveries to the same area, that they should keep risking their lives until the local

Just to recap in your response you blame:

let’s not forget all the Subways, McDonald’s, and Taco Bells that have to put up 2 inches of plexiglass between kitchen and counter.... just so they can protect their employees. I fucking hate this blog because of shit posts like this. They refuse to acknowledge the sustained and repeated attacks that cause businesses

Why do so many fast food places in these “historically black neighborhoods” have to put up 2 inch plexiglass between counter and kitchen? maybe because there are sustained and repeated instances of violence and theft in these areas. These businesses are only responding based on the actions of their customers so that

This might be one of the dumbest posts of 2017, maybe most representative. Such faux outrage

“Stop inviting THEM to the cookout”

The linebacker on the right wasn’t even trying to wrap up.... just using his body like a meat missile with a toradol sponsorship...

I think the other night was the first night since 2014 LeBron wasn’t regular-season-rest-benched for an away game at Banker’s Life. Feels good to earn a win against The King

What’s even more damning, said point guard was something like 0-15 on game winning shots. Dude was so soft, should be rated G

oh man me and my dad played the snot out of painkiller. This looks amazing and I hadn’t heard a peep about this before

Almost every single Jewish pundit I’ve heard from supports this move 120% Chuck coming out in support of it shouldn’t really come as a surprise. He’s pretty damn biased lol

This game just looks like a less-fun Magicka

another piece of definitely not racist hard hitting journalism from the root. Jesus yall can’t produce quality content that takes more than 20 minutes to hatefully pound out on the keyboard, can you? Jesus christ, this blog is an embarrassment to anything progressive. Worthless trash.

I’ve definitely taken to the NBA. It’s refreshing to see players compete without turning themselves into human meat missiles with a Toradol sponsorship. Games this year have been exciting and the east is somewhat underrated

It’s amazing how many takes I’ve seen saying “How did the Thunder go from #1 in defensive rebounding to 28th?” Uhh they traded away Kanter ya dumbs