
and here it is. That is actual racism. This quote

can one of you do anything more than just go “HOW DARE THEY” and actually explain how this is anymore than you being over-sensitive fuck sticks?

Dear Black People (men and women alike)

I hope someone sees this. I spent money on this game and spent money buying 2142. Why is it fair for EA to shut down independent operators, but leave me without an actual product I paid for? I just want to play this game because it was fucking awesome and they shutdown Revive. FUCK EA

you writers on The Root are just a circular self-fellating pleasure fest. You’re the only idiots dumb enough to read these articles.

lol what a structured and logical argument backed up by plenty of sources. I know numbers are terrifying, and addressing a problem that most certainly exists (72% raised in single parents homes, that’s more than a super majority in voting circles)

I knew a guy named, let’s call him carl, and he was adopted and raised by white parents. Smart guy, works on cars, bitcoin mines, and is an entrepreneur. He spoke casually about how he knew other black kids were raised. 72% of black children as of 2014 were raised in Single Parent homes (compared to white 29%). That

I knew a guy named, let’s call him carl, and he was adopted and raised by white parents. Smart guy, works on cars, bitcoin mines, and is an entrepreneur. He spoke casually about how he knew other black kids were raised. 72% of black children as of 2014 were raised in Single Parent homes (compared to white 29%). That

I knew a guy named, let’s call him carl, and he was adopted and raised by white parents. Smart guy, works on cars, bitcoin mines, and is an entrepreneur. He spoke casually about how he knew other black kids were raised. 72% of black children as of 2014 were raised in Single Parent homes (compared to white 29%). That

Yea but the Chinese came and moved into a little delta in mississippi. They thrived, the had stores that sold to everyone, while whites segregated. Why couldn’t a black person take up that market and sell to his fellow brother? The Chinese had to live in there store fronts with their entire family. They did that for a

The thing that seems fishy is that SMU being 5-2 and Tulsa 2-6 likely had SMU favored... ref gambling?

That was good drop and roll form. The liquor let loose his primal instincts

wow ure hella lame

yup yup yup. Also love the first comment in this thread. “If they were black they’d be TRIED as adults” ....for what exactly??

Tried for what exactly? What did these girls do wrong? They said the bad bad no no word that only black people can use casually in conversations between each other and over popular music? Did these girls harm anyone?

How did you approach them to get this response? Were you recounting that one time Bill Maher made an off-color joke and turned to your white friend “Omg, have u ever said this word?” It’s a fucking word. It’s a fucking word that was invented to be oppressive and black people use it more than ANYONE ELSE IN THE COUNTRY

but what would happen if you took away the right for black people to say this word? oh no we’d have to ban like most of early 90's hip hop and pretty much every kendrick lamar album. forget the wu tang clan and the “niggas with attitude” yall claim to be so obscenely oppressed by this word but are totally cool and


lol it’s not that they didn’t just not know, but the BBC was actively covering for Savile, heavily litigating all those that sought to challenge that. Mark Thompson was ousted from his posistion at the BBC... now he’s the CEO of the new york times wtf