
What about it?

"When I spotted a lonely traveler on the side of the river. Her hair reminded me of silk, blowing along in the nightly wind. I pulled up, and looked deep into her eyes. She cracked a faint smile, transforming her imperfect features to something surpassing mere beauty."

The thing you're not understanding is that Dragon's Dogma isn't compatible with PS4.

Yeah, I get what you mean. It really suck though, back when Battlefield 3 was about to be released, I saw the launch trailer and thought, "Wow, the single player looks fucking awesome!" Then I popped it in, finished it in a few hours, took it out, and never touched the single player disc again.


But there is single player. They just did an entire review on it.

You're a real moron.

It's Shelby Welinder.

Correction: The gameplay in the announcement trailer wasn't actually gameplay, it was pre-rendered CG that they made because they didn't have enough time to create that gameplay segment for E3.

Am I the only one who thinks the top screenshot is kinda hot?

An option between shitty checkpoints and good checkpoints? Yeah, REALLY tough decision there.

YES. I thought I was the only one having this godforsaken problem. The only way I've been able to fix it is by turning the phone on and off. And even doing that only lasts for a few hours before I have to do it again.

You're a fag.

No, and sorry, but don't expect there to be any. They're always going to want to show the best looking version of their game.

I would've preferred some ass.

What a coincidence that you mentioned that, my class just finished reading that book today.