Oh omg this just reminded me so vividly of my own similar experience: I was in college, watching a movie with this guy I was sort of seeing. Not a lot of comfort between us, yet, is what I mean. Still in the hiding our farts phase. But I really liked him. He lived in an old house with a bunch of housemates but they…
Wouldn’t it be great if we had room for two A-List brown actors at once?
Wait...what? You use your yoga pants for yoga? My entire wardrobe is yoga pants and I’ve never done yoga in my life. Before you judge: I live in the Pacific Northwest area of North America. It is our uniform.
2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because…
And Meghan Trainor is the rancid mayonnaise on that white bread sandwich.
I'm not talking about a regular haircut, you abuse-condoning piece of shit.
ALSO, I just turn that joint gift shit around on couples! Unless they're my bffs, most couples receive joint presents from me. One couple, for example, is getting a set of beer-themed cocktail plates and a bottle of lambic this year. They can like it or stuff it up their bums. Tis the season, after all.
He's less fabulous than you deserve if he can't see how fabulous you are. Love your attitude and am going to try to adopt it myself.
But you have the best username of all time, so you win.
Anyone who can come up with the name Fibonacci Sequins is clearly fabulous! His loss for sure!
I was just thinking about the time I tried to make my own shirt for that band Craig was in where they all wore shirts with his face on it. There was a thing you could download from The N's website and I went out and bought t-shirt transfer paper for it.
Ahhhh! Two of my faves!!
Uh, what? I'm not complaining about how hard I have it. I'm just asking, what can I say in the presence of all three of these women (all three of whom are treasured friends) that boosts the ones that want boosting and doesn't cut down any of the others?
How awkward is it to be the size 4 in the office, and watch the two size 8s competitively dieting, while you share cookies with the size 18 who doesn't give a rat's ass about her size?
"It makes me sad to hear you say those things about yourself. You're beautiful. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you."