Fibonacci Sequins

Oh my dog, please just stop already. You're making yourself look worse.

I'm not sure what your point is. But it's all relative. I think expecting someone to own a lot of books and have their whole family be well-read as being a sign of privilege. Of course there are exceptions.

Seriously. She doesn't even realize that she is exemplifying many of the comments we are talking about in this very thread. I do hope the irony is not lost on her. She just called my comments "uneducated". Didn't take long at all.

Well look at that! It didn't take long a white lady to derail the conversation and call me uneducated. I think it's HILARIOUS that a person claiming 99% of overweight people can't lose weight is calling me uneducated. Ok lady, have a great night. I'm done with you, please don't bother responding.

Thanks for that! my education is very dear to me and it was very challenging for me to be able to attend a prestigious university especially at a time when tuition was being hiked up every other semester, so to have all these people tell me that I'm blind to my privilege was rage inducing. That gif is how I feel a lot

I'm really not interested in getting into an argument but I will address your points anyway.

I get what you're saying but being overweight is in NO way comparable to being a minority. One of many distinctions: fat people can lose weight but a black, latino, asian, etc. person can never become white. So what you have here is a very false equivalency.

Hah. Perfect. The sisterhood of the traveling J.Crew pants.

I'm on the same boat re: Lindy. I've never said anything because you know people here are super tolerant and open-minded..that is until you disagree with them. I don't understand why everyone has such a hard-on for her. I find her writing to be really obnoxious with the ALL CAPS OMGZ LOLZ in every other sentence. Most

Even if it's not the target audience, it's most certainly the audience it attracts. That's why I rarely ever bother to actually comment or engage in discussion on serious articles. I'm mostly here for the squee and the fluff. While we're sharing experiences, on an article about student loans I got piled on by numerous

Seinfeld reference! Doug Barry, you have just earned yourself some major cool points.



But of course, I'm a woman of my word.

Maybe I should!!

Great. If you want to work here:

"When he inquired about job openings as a bearded contractor, the response rate jumped from 12 percent to 35 percent," according to Wired. That's triple the interest.

How about if you complement me and I respond in 80s lyrics? Say you compliment my hair and I respond with: (To the tune of The Smith's "How Soon is Now") You shut your mouth, how can you say my hair looks cute today? It is humid and it needs to be brushed

Mhm. I feel like a lot of them probably do identify with the label personally, but would never actually say it out loud in public for fear of losing popularity. I love Kanye West (well more his music than his personality), but I think I'd rather not hear his answer on the question. Haha.I assume men aren't asked about

But you take the quote from Beyonce, who is clearly saying she believes in equality, and am I really supposed to get up in arms about the fact that she's not using the feminist label?