Esme Squalor4

It’s not just the affairs, though—it’s the fact that he specifically told his wife, “I’m not having affairs, I’m just so feminist that I don’t even feel comfortable hanging out with guys, you need to get over The Patriarchy’s conditioning that makes you see other women as a threat, I’m so impossibly woke that you

Unless both him and his wife had an open, poly-amorous relationship it is absolutely fair game to bring it up in relation to his sleaziness and sexist behaviour. It shows he did not value her as a equal partner, her consent or her safety. Lot’s of people have affairs. That doesn’t make it any less of an issue.

Just enough muscles and big unsaggy boobs.

I have a dog-like complex. I’m easily excitable and run around on all fours.

I read it more as “big boobs but with some visible arm muscles”

I particularly liked this line:

I think now is a good time to remind everyone that it took Winona Ryder more than a decade to get redemtption....for SHOPLIFTING.

For me, Lauer is the least surprising one considering NBC brass spent years insisting he was the star that The Today Show would collapse without, even though there was enough evidence at the time he was dragging the show down. He got treated like such a special snowflake when, at best, all he could offer was

It’s revealing that such self-reflection never results in the conclusion that men who have spent careers harassing and bullying should not return to those careers.

God damn. This kid is doing work. I was happy hitting professional accomplishments before I ever expected too. This kid is out here changing the world before he can drink a beer.

You say you’re for reasonable gun reform. What are you doing about it? Because this kid has had a bigger impact on gun reform in the last few months than Congress has in the last few years.

President Hogg has a nice ring to it. This kid is getting shit done and doesn’t need to tweet NO COLLUSION! every day while he does it.

Lol you mean the “lets not make it easy to kill people” brand? If that’s unsavory to you then maybe you should learn to remove human flesh from your diet.

Slate had a good article pointing out that explosive anger is reaching epidemic levels in men in America, as the only “rational” outlet for their frustrations since men aren’t encouraged to feel anything beyond rage and entitlement. It points out that we’ve basically designed a “mental illness” that fits our

Whatever happens, it probably won’t be good for women...

The USSR had a huge surplus of women post-WWII and the women there somehow managed to survive without trafficking men from other countries.  

Its almost like it hurts everybody, or something.......

It’s telling how just the title “Too Many Men” is foreboding. The brief “only rarely have sex” is a chilling omen in 4 words, a direct threat to the safety of millions of women.

The solution is more man-eating predators.

Yeah, and the dehumanizing way he talks about his victim is so chilling.