Esme Squalor4

Kirsten G. is the shit! Love her. (My insightful political commentary for the day.)

I’ve seen that research too. It’s comforting to know that I have company. I’m definitely an anxious person who also loves good storytelling. I can understand why other people HATE spoilers but I actively seek them out. Like you, I’m able to relax and get into the nuance of a story if some outcome is “spoiled.”

Spoilers are fucking comforting, I tells ya.

Makin’ Roose and Rhaegar proud papas.

I was more thinking one of the particularly loser-ish sons (Lothar or Walder Rivers ...). But it’s all up to interpretation. :)

That’s pretty offensive to poor, heroic Hodor.

Hills definitely has the Olenna vibe. Which is a high compliment.

Feel free to imagine U.S. politicians’ Westerosi equivalents. I'm going with Trump as one of those gross-ass Freys with the bad hair and unattractive hats.

I know! How dare she dress her body in a way she chooses? And express her sexuality? It’s almost like she, and only she, has the right to determine who and when touches her body.

It WAS kinda like watching Arya Stark endorse Daenerys Targaryen on Yara Greyjoy’s show.

That headline made me positively giddy.

How soon we forget ...

BLISTERING wit. God I love her.

He’s a gadfly and not a statesman.

Or his self-interest.

In a legal sense, yes. I think we all know what really went on.

That’s a pretty good tagline for cable news tbh.

It really comes down to poor Uncle-Dadding on Jaime’s part.

I’m tired of her but am ALL IN when they bring the DRAGONS. Listen Dan and Dave, we’re hear for some mfing dragons, mmmkay?

The Blackfish will probably shrug and say, “meh - keep him.”