Esme Squalor4

Right? Taft did it!

The very thought of it is enough to keep me going.

I’d really like to see him as a Supreme Court justice actually. The display of intelligence would be astounding. And it’d probably make Scalia’s head burst open from rage.

He is so blindingly white hot in those Indiana Jones movies. AHhhhhhhhhh!!!

There’s quite a few of faux progressives here in Mass.

It was a good rant.

But the dirt is ARTFULLY SMEARED on your face! Look how adorable Andrew Lincoln is when he brandishes a gun while holding a baby!

I read the book on a looong plane trip by myself and was absolutely horrified by this scene ... I may have sobbed quietly in my aisle seat.

I like reminding people of this too. :)

I mean ... Dylan! I realize your mileage may vary on that.

No Traveling Wilburys? ‘Cause that stuff’s the shit.

TBH, Motown is a white household staple. It’s right in there with our James Taylor, Carly Simon, Simon and Garfunkel, show tunes, etc.


As if that’s a negative thing?

My gf does.

Very lucrative misogyny. I hate his smug mugging face.

God help me ... I get the vapors every time I see Oscar Issac!

Is there a video of this, and if so, can we see it?

Their flagship store and (some?) of their manufacturing is a couple of towns over from where I live. It’s always such a THING to know someone who will help you out with an employee discount.