Esme Squalor4

She truly is The Shit.

Her hair looks bitchin’ ... I want the cut!

Over and over again. I mean ... My god.

Top of the list!!!

Is the new scary equation for old people ...

Solid, accurate usage.

It would have been a far more interesting post if they had been ...

I suppose people will say what they will about her, but it’s undeniable that the woman is an artist.

HE never gets old. Seems like a lovely human.

This reminded me of the Friends episode where the Paul Rudd character (Phoebe’s husband) demands to be called Crapbag after she renames herself Princess Consuela Bananahammock.

Missed opportunity for sure.

All I could think was Santi White actually. (I love her)

Probably means it wasn’t a very effective joke then. Guess we’re just humorless bitches.

It wants to hug you. And of course by hug, I mean eat.

That’s the spirit!

Kinda my thought too ... seriously, we’re having this discussion now?

This is the kind of shit that I yell at my TV. Scares the cat.

When she weeps and begs Marianne (Kate Winslet) not to die and leave her ... That's some acting. It's also beautifully shot from above. I love Ang Lee.

As white Jesus intended.