Esme Squalor4

Most of the time. :) It is the five college area and those little fucks are back so now my commute home has doubled. But then again the presence of those little fucks is what keeps our economy afloat so who am I to complain. It’s generally pretty awesome.

It is awesome! However slightly less than surprising given that they live in the MA Pioneer Valley.

So gross and especially inappropriate considering that they are minors. Also incredibly stupid and tone-deaf given that the fair is in fucking Northampton and these women probably know a thing or two about pushing back against misogyny (still very mature and brave on their part).

I know. I hate violence.But god knows I hate sexual violence so when I read she killed him I said to my girlfriend about his death: Good. I hope it hurt like hell.

Supposebly. :(

I'm with you. It's beyond the pale.

It’s informal usage. I think it’s pretty jarring to read when used to mean undisturbed. I'm not a grammar nerd at all but it really burns my cookies. Whatever, come at me. I still hate that people use disinterested interchangeably with uninterested. I'm a lost cause.

And god knows lesbians and straight women aren’t into butt stuff.

She’s spiritually close to it.

Well you know how vapid and simple us women folk are. And how we dress and groom out of vanity and a desire to attract the male gaze.

I’m assuming she’s an all around (feminist) badass.

Preach it Righteous Rabbit!

Which is totally unfair, because as one of those icky gays, I’d totally give her a marriage lisence for “The One” version 5. Even though we all can agree that hairstyle flies in the face of nature, god, the devil, and good taste.

The divorce thing was my immediate reaction.

Can we add chili, habanero, banana etc. peppers to that list? Gotta love the heat!

This is going to make a charming and timely anecdote for my friends’ going away party this evening. They’re moving to Portland next week. :)

::Spoiler:: He gives a THUMBS UP at the end.

Someone has been taught kindness and empathy! I’m sure he gets into some shenanigans, but he’s such a LOVE.

Not as egregious but I had to stop a roommate from cleaning all of our furniture with Clorox bleach. She now works for the State department :/

And you’re proof that dying alone does NOT mean dying unhappy! :)