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    I've never had either. Plenty of fried clams, though. Who needs a Wonder Bread roll?

    They are served meat at the shelter where Hawk's boots are coveted. Hawk fusses about it, and Eddie says they must accept what they're offered. After shelter meat, a clam roll would be easy to swallow, literally and figuratively.

    And me!

    It will. I remember when I first said—in the comments on a review of a WALKING DEAD episode, I think—that I much prefer ZN, and someone asked, curious, whether I was being facetious. No indeed, said I. It is more fun and more clever, with more interesting characters, than either TWD or this mediocre show (which I

    I could just make out its outline under her shirt. Sorry.

    That bugged me, too.

    Thank god it's going to be back soon.

    Hey, she's wearing a bra.

    I'd say equally myself.

    They are Mexican zombies and so don't register English as a meal call. It all makes perfect sense.

    It was exciting seeing the floppy white shirt again. The evolution of his hair was interesting, too.

    Dogs don't mind eating rotten meat.

    There was nothing "sort of" about it. If you lock a man in a room with a predator crazed with blood thirst, you've murdered him. Cassidy was Emily's deadly weapon.

    Because bullies' tender sensibilities must be catered to at all times.

    I thought she chose it for its size.

    He was on the Red Sox of my childhood! Haven't thought of him in years.

    Aw, the first season of PRISON BREAK was great, silly fun.

    This has nothing to do with this episode, but I just had to comment that it's dumb the hanging tree hasn't changed a bit since the nineteenth century.

    You'd think he'd be worried about going out in public in it, given the resentment over the switch from Chief Red Savage.