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    "Lamb basted" is beautiful.

    All I know is that, at the time, I thought Simpson was guilty but the jury was right in not finding him so, because reasonable doubt had been raised.

    Unlike the media today.

    I was very annoyed that the show had Marcia Clark crying in court.

    I just assumed she didn't trust him not to try to make the sole custody his permanently.

    But were you adorable, really?

    As do I. I don't think Eric has grown at all, really. All he has done is grow more angry and resentful and bitter. I say he gets in the car and eventually ends up beaten to death by the side of a lonely road.

    Ah, now I get it. Sometimes watching a decent person do wrong is much harder than watching a horrible one behave true to form.

    Where do you get 1966?

    There's a fair bit of LOOK WHAT'S HAPPENED TO ROSEMARY'S BABY in this.

    And why shouldn't the stereotype about priests and drinking be extended to include medical marijuana?

    Even if they are (and I don't remember), Jason Sudeikis's character doesn't know that. His only clue is the billboard.

    I don't know. I've never heard Jimmy or Saul speak in a way that would appeal to my mother.

    He is likable, but I don't like him.

    Nope, didn't know, but I approve. I like it when people don't feel a need to make shows go on forever. And, hey, this means that I still don't know for sure that Thack ends up dead or imprisoned or raving in the nuthouse. Why, he might have gotten himself straight and gone on to live happily ever after!

    Whoops. Now I know something happens to Thack. Guess that'll larn me to keep up with shows.

    Not for me, I'm afraid. I thought Jimmy was an ass for thinking he could get away with airing the commercial without approval. Even his going ahead and making it without permission would likely ruffle feathers. Whatever happens to him—whether it's a scolding or a firing—he brought it on himself. He's a clever

    Jeepers. I hope you make it to next week.

    If anyone spoke to my eighty-three-year-old mother the way Jimmy talked to those oldsters at the start of the show, she'd want to punch him (though she'd probably settle for a cold, cold sneer).

    "Is no one calling out the ridiculous plot contrivance of Steph going to
    Anne and revealing Becca dealt drugs? Hey, my kid helped put your kid
    in jail, but can you help me protect mine? WTF??"