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    I wondered the same but decided it must be hard to remember to do the sensible thing when one is terrified and traumatized.

    Eichorst ate that cop seconds after forcing the schnapps down his throat; no way was there time for anything to reach the bloodstream. That bothered me.

    Thanks from me, too. The new one was corny and far too long.

    They have a right to use it; people have a right to react to it.

    They are one of my spirit animals, and my life is PERFECT.

    I worry about the makeup if they are.

    Wasn't a lot of it due to sheer guilt over abandoning Frank? Nothing to do with the war.

    But preventing the Rising wouldn't "fuck the redcoats."

    I got the impression from the books that he could get it up for a woman if she was scared enough. That's why Jenny's laughing at him made him wilt.

    Just like today.

    I wonder how Eichorst will handle having a grandson he believes to be half Jewish.

    Canadian urine is barely damp.

    Yup. If your safety depends in part on UV lamps, only idiots would not make sure they had lots of generators and battery backups in place in case the power goes out. Hell, given that the infrastructure has already been compromised, blackouts are almost guaranteed even without help from the strigoi.

    I'm fond of Arby.

    Thank you. I missed that.

    I want to know what happened to the dog. Elliot was in that SUV for a couple of days, and there's no sign of it when he gets back to the apartment.

    Glad I checked before saying anything about "Nearer, My God, to Thee." Phew.

    Douche bag? Or delusional? WHO KNOWS!!!!!

    Calvin the drug dealer became a zombie and he was just shot.

    Yup, it's all in the planning.