Esme Squalor

T-Pain just Tweeted what I’ve always been afraid to admit.

This is what happens when you don’t copy and paste that disclaimer on Facebook.


I’ll only be happy if the donation was made in Beatrice’s name.

At the call-center I had a coworker who did a great Kevin from the The Office impression and would take entire calls like him.

everyones always talkin shit about draperies and sofas and i always love that shit

“It’s not working. This password you gave me isn’t working.” FUNNY, BECAUSE IT IS WORKING FOR ME!!! *EYE TWITCH*

“The key to this situation seems to be, as DNAinfo reports, the fact that Dillon has a math degree and an MBA, and had never worked in customer service before being ordered onto his help desk post three years ago.”

You’re never too old to be a bride.


When my father first came to America over 30 years ago, he pronounced it Pope Yes. YOU’RE LATE RACHEL.

You’re right. It’s not like there was some other show Bill Cosby was behind that broke a ton of barriers or anything...

I think there’s some real confusion going on in this article and, then not shockingly, in the comments below. In Tibetan Buddhism, any sex that’s not straight up generic sex meant for creating a new life is considered misconduct. That’s for everyone, and it’s rooted in many things, not the least of which is the idea

you heard me.

I’d let Peter Dinklage spit anything he wants into my mouth.

I “belly laughed” at this. You are a great source of joy and laughter.

“this is a very normal way to talk about human beings, this source clearly must be Gwen Stefani’s closest friend and not some soulless PR agent.”

god dammit i love sourced quotes to celebrity magazines

What’s Blindspot, you ask?