Esme Squalor

Van Veen sounds not so much a last name as it does a Don Martin sound effect.

Also my take-away.

I am 30 today. I’ve decided my birthday resolution is to be Helen Mirren.

Your grandmother sounds amazing and she had an awesome and full long life. It was this thinking that got me through my grandparents’ deaths - how richer my life was to have grown up with them in my life. Big virtual hugs!

Oh, my God... I’m so, so sorry.

Grief is weird, and often infused incongruously with laughter and other things strange and human.

Her last words were, “Don’t forget to feed the cat.”

your grandma sounds like an amazing woman, I’m sorry

I’m watching Heathers because I wish to live in a time where big hair was lauded. Please pray for me, as I have just applied for a position with the mortuary science department. I want this job like nothing I have ever wanted before.

I am really sorry. Losing grandparents sucks.

My Grandpa died this afternoon. It was peaceful and he had been declining, and I think he’s been wanting to go since my Nana passed away last year. It’s awful of course but I’m confused as to why I don’t feel worse than I do. When my Nana died it was unexpected and it was the first grandparent so it hit me really

((((hugs)))) I’m so sorry to hear about your grandma, and am feeling very much the same. Take care and love to you and your family.

OOh, this is how I got through nursing school. I would hum through the playlist I was listening to while studying and could remember the answer. Nobody wanted me in their study group because they couldn’t study while listening to music. I’m so happy to have found another!!

Just ordered my sushi. That is all.

I’m a very good mimic, have you seen the movie Little Voice? I can do that, it startles people who don’t know when I start talking in a different voice.

Microsoft did a nice thing:

I can do the entire dance from the end of sister act 2.

I can wiggle my pinkie toe WITHOUT MOVING ANY OTHER TOES. I know.

Plain white vinegar. The itch will be gone in minutes.

My non-neurotypical son started pre-school this week. He licks random objects and is scared of public bathrooms. I had whipped myself up into a frenzy of anxiety about all of the things that could go wrong. When his teacher texted me a picture of him having his snack, laughing with some little friends he made, I broke