Esme Squalor

You’re wrong, but I forgive you.


A baby Rock!

you also are attracted to rob gronkowski, so can i really trust you

Well, this brought tears to my eyes. Morehead is my hometown (whew that is difficult to write these days). Based on your nuanced observations, I could not think of a better couple to mark this milestone in my native Rowan County. I think all couples should admire what you did because I think it will ultimately help

9/11 has become the most annoying fucking day because of this. I live in the South. Most of my friends do as well. And always have. And yet every year for 14 years, they roll out the “Where I was when...” WHY?? Unless you were in the North or South Tower or vicinity (even the CITY!), the Pentagon, or the field where

Munchausens by Tragedy

If you look at your Facebook feed on any 9/11 you’ll see so many people making it about themselves as much as they can. From “I’ll never forget where I was...” to “A good friend of mine was...” or “I was going to fly from Boston to LA that day but...”

1. Is the thing you are required to do for work illegal?
2. Is the thing you are required to do for work unethical?

Yes/Yes: Don’t do that thing!
No/No: Do that thing!
Yes/No: That’s... kinda weird? But don’t do it, unless you don’t mind the consequences!
No/Yes: Ethics are subjective, and hypothetically the law represents

cis hetero men are afraid of gay men because they believe gay men will treat them the way they treat women. cis hetero men are afraid of gay men because they believe gay men will treat them the way they treat women. cis hetero men are afraid of gay men because they believe gay men will treat them the way they treat

1) Use the coupons for the hottest salsa you can get.

Story time:

I am the only one that used to get big groups of friends together to play and watch games get played? It’d be 6 or 7 of us and we’d play through Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem, the Silent Hill and Fatal Frame series, older games like Contra III: Alien Wars and the like. It was always a blast! I distinctly remember

Let me make this as clear and easy to understand as I can without using Sesame Street characters: nobody really has a problem with customers who come in “within the time limits” to order. What we have a problem with are customers who ABUSE that “time limit” technicality to make life more difficult for other people.

I work at a music venue and had some dude call about renting one of our concert rooms for his shitty show. After I told him we didn’t rent our room and that even if we did, that particular date was already booked, he didn’t believe me and asked to speak to the manager. I informed him that the manager couldn’t help him

They came from an hour away with a thirst for loafage,

I would do anything for meatloaf, but I won’t do that.

I’m sure your heart is in bye right place, but you’re part of the problem. When I was a kid, my single-income nurse mother was able to splurge on a few fancy meals per year. It was one of the few things that we were able to do together as a family because she was working so many hiurs(and was seriously mentally ill

What actually is the going rate for monogramming a thermos nowadays, anyway?