Esme Squalor

Because form and context matter.

Meanwhile, growing up in Mt. Prospect, we were taught to pronounce it correctly.

Say you have a friend named Reese.

  • Olivia Culpo is sad about breaking up with Nick Jonas. [Us Weekly] Well, from what I understand she kept him in chains. And made him jealous. So there’s that.

Top 5 All-Time TV Dads(re-adjusted for, uh, recent events)

Barring some shitty parts in Pittsburgh

Holy shiznit Esme! You are renaissance-ing right! Truly inspirational. Thank a million of sharing your story. It wasn’t too long. I wanted more actually. It was so so good.

You know what I hate? Is when you know you’re doing some good things and making progress with your health ie losing a few pounds and get8itng blood pressure down to around normal for the first time in forever, and you’re body still wants to fuck with you. I don’t mean to bring everyone down, and with 400+ replies

My dad has a biker friend with that sticker on his helmet. Apparently it is very charming and makes ladies flock.


I just saw some bro with a bumper sticker that said “VAGINATARIAN” and well now I have so many questions.

That song reminds me of the time my friend got so exasperated with me bemoaning my life that she finally texted me “B POSITIVE BITCH”. And that was it. To this day, that’s what I say to myself whenever I catch myself going overboard with the negative self-talk. It’s good advice. :)

Oh, and in this week of Rachel Dolezal, I should probably just say up front, for those of you who are meeting me for the first time, I’m a feminist gay man, who gets so much love, support and encouragement from Jezebel, that I’ve quit all those catty gay websites and just hang out here.

Everyone who has given me encouragement and moral support over this crazy journey of just picking up and completely uprooting my life at age 38: THANK YOU! I think it has all finally come together!

So my leg still really hurts and feels like shit from this clot nonsense, and I still can’t fit right in fitted pants since I’m between a 0 and a 2 and my leg is at best a size 10, but you know what? None of that mattered Monday. I saw Rush in Columbus, we had amazing seats, and they played for nearly three hours.

June 12th is Loving Day. In 1967, the supreme court ruled in the Loving vs. Virginia case that the ban on interracial marriage was illegal. I celebrated by hanging with my white hubster and thanking our lucky stars for progress for us and gay couples. My mama used to say, “if they love ya, I like ‘em” and she grew up

B, these glasses fit very poorly, you are worth a lot of money my friend, wut the hell?

“Who cares?! Why is this news?!” — Person who clicked on the link after knowing what the article was about.

I feel your mom. Yet, as a black woman, I recognize the yearning and freedom to take ownership of traditional (white) feminine traits for myself. Like, yasss, open the door for ME. My white girlfriends? “I can do it myself.” Me? I’mma stand here and let him FOR ONCE. Let ME be a stay-at-home-mom, not a “welfare queen”

your opinion of me is none of my business :)