Esme Squalor

I’m super weird about it, like there are probably 5 people I will hug at any time, but everyone else please stay back. I can remember being 11 or 12 and hugging my grandmother, and she was like, “ARE YOU DYING? AM *I* DYING? Are your arms numb and you can’t tell that you’re hugging me?” It made me laugh, and I’ve

I love a crowded room, and I will talk to literally anyone for at least a few minutes, but boy do I hate hugging. Like, please let’s wave hello and goodbye. My husband’s family is large and has poor boundaries, so whenever possible I ghost to the car while he makes the rounds saying goodbye.

Exactly, I guess I just meant that if we were to define “good friend” then I do not meet those requirements in this situation, because I do believe he considers me a close friend (I imagine solely by virtue of my marriage), and I choose not to reciprocate. But I suppose we could also define “terrible friend” as one

Thank you for saying that, but I know what I’m about. :) I can be a hero and a terrible friend at the same time! I just meant that I am extremely distant and work pretty hard at avoiding him when I can. His only discourse on women in media is how “SO HOT AND KICK ASS” they are (Natasha Romanova, for example), and as

oh my god, where did you get this. it is amazing.

The key to those kinds of relationships is that they have to have already ended, and then you can relish the memories. Like that time in 2006 when Vincent D’Onofrio and I had a blissful 7 day affair—I was rebounding, and he was single at the time! It was great fun, but we’re not meant to be more than friends.


We have a friend who is very, his “thing” is that he gives great back rubs (to women only, duh.) Many moons ago when my husband and I were first dating, I met this friend and my spidey senses went off immediately—not that I was in danger, but you know, you just feel some kind of way about a

I know this was last night, but I just got here! I wanted to say that I don’t have a movie for you, but anytime I need a good cry I watch the Christmas episode of season 1 of The West Wing. #tearsfordays #esme+tobyzeigler4ever

I got married there!

My ovaries cannot handle a Vincent Gif Party! :)


I’m sorry, I really did not mean to say that flat/fine hair is bad! I think my issue with this photo of Anne H is that her hair looks legit plastered down, and in combination with her overall look, is not so good?

I’m sorry, this made me laugh so hard. I once wore a turtleneck, a vest, and jeans to a school dance. NO ONE WANTED TO DANCE WITH ME. 11 year old Esme was so unfashionable and weird and lonely.

My hair is relatively straight on its own, and I spent much of the 90s going for that stick straight look, and now all I want is are nice wash-and-go waves. My mom has the most amazing wavy/curly hair, which I most certainly did not inherit.

Every time I see a woman with super flat hair like that, it reminds me of a scene from Mad About You where Jamie asks Paul if her hair is flat enough because it should be flat, and later Paul compliments Fran on her hair, saying “it’s nice and flat?” and she freaks out that her (curly) hair has deflated. Like, that

Jesus needs to work on his fringe game.

This is not related to anything at all, but your gif reminded me. I’m pretty obsessed with Snape/Rickman as Snape, so I’ve seen most of Rickman’s movies a few times... When he was on The Tonight Show a few weeks ago, he was telling his “hilarious” story about Michael Gambon’s fart machine, and as I watched, all I

I absolutely destroy pens by chewing on them, but I buy cheap Bic pens to write with, and to chew on—my husband doesn’t use them, because like you said, gross. (I don’t know if he has any feelings about my weird habit.) I swear to god, at some point as as a kid I must have thought it looked funny or something when, in

This is beautiful. Thank you for all you do.