Esme Squalor

He says that about everything, it’s so bizarre. Other candidates agree with him, plenty of veterans agree with him, people of color agree with him. It’s SO STRANGE. It’s like, “If I tell you that ‘people’ agree with me, then what I say must be true!” Such is the way of a liar, I suppose, but the really good liars know

omg did that person DIE? I can’t stop watching, but it makes my whole body ache watching it.

I’m really happy so far. My computer needs are basic—internet, video games, movies/tv, music. I upgraded from Windows 7, and somehow managed to never use Windows 8, so some things are different to me (similar to Windows 8), and many are the same. The upgrade process was easy—I literally just accepted the terms of use,

Aside from myself because I am adorable, my husband and I have verrrry different thoughts on what we are attracted to in a woman. And I say this to mean that I will see an actress on screen and say, “Wow, she’s so pretty,” and he will say, “I do not agree!” (Not like, we are looking for a third party to involve in our


Tbh, my aversion to foam is that I turn into a big dummy and cannot properly judge when the blazing hot beverage is coming through the little opening in the lid—foam, foam, BURNED MOUTH. So I order lattes, not cappuccinos. And usually, I just drink black coffee. :)

One time my husband and I were at Bdubs, and while our server was taking our order, the lady at the table behind our server legit starts snapping her fingers and tapping him on the arm. I would never actually, but I leaned sideways in my chair and with a totally straight face said, “I will fight you.” She was so taken

I totally went to Google, because what else does one do at 2 AM on Saturday? Korea circa 2009 seems to have been a rough experience as well? He published a WHOLE ARTICLE on koreatimes about how a woman he loves continually shows up in his fb newsfeed and technology will not allow him to move on.

Gah! That shit is serious. I say this sincerely, I hope we are not witnessing the beginning (or middle?) of a scary, stalker-type scenario. Shower attention on her? Simultaneously criticize the art she chooses for her body? And call her a hot mess, and whatever other words he listed upthread. Also, how does Gawker

I live in a town of 100 people, several of whom are farmers and IT IS SWEET CORN SEASON Y’ALL. Freshly steamed sweet corn all day, everyday. $4 a dozen, and my cash goes straight into the actual farmer’s palm (or his little kids’, they like to be the cashier, and they are adorable.)

This whole thread is giving me flashbacks to junior high, I think I might have a panic attack. I mean, I was never asked by any of my celebrity crushes to take anything down from my amazing geocities website, Kettlefish & Sugarplums, but I was pretty into Don Johnson when Nash Bridges was in its first three seasons,

Couple things. You don’t get to decide if your actions are perceived as creepy by someone else. Also, you keep talking about “I could say whatever I wanted to because she is a public figure.” I mean, sure, that’s true—you have not been arrested or sued, as mentioned by others. However, that does not mean there are no

I actually laughed out loud. Thank you!

Kendall County...liquor 4 life. Except from 1 AM to 6 AM.

About 8 years ago, I lived in Wheaton briefly—I hail from the Oswego area originally and was living with a friend for a few months—and once I stopped into the Ultra Foods by Cantigny park to buy like 8 PM...on a Sunday. You cannot do it! I was disappoint. And then I was like, TIME TO MOVE.

This is only tangentially related BUT... Last night on Gawker, Jordan Sargent posted a bit about eating cereal for dessert/fourth meal/whatever, and I was like “oh my godddd I want some cereal now” but there wasn’t any. So I went to the grocery store today and bought normal things like avocados and milk and whatnot,

I mean IDEALLY you would always use both hands but, real talk, nobody has time for that.

(sorry the photo is enormous!)

But I do feel you, though, on the discomfort with the title. I am not religious in any form, but I think it would be cool to meet this Pope—I would probably get a little nervous and say, ‘Hey man, what’s up.”