Esme Squalor

Well stop that shit, lol. I mean, I guess if it works for you and doesn’t break your glasses, get on with your bad self. :)

If you’re not christian, and it offends your sense of self-worth to call the Pope “Your Holiness”, I suppose you could do one of two things. A) you could just think of it as his job title, and call him that because overall it would be less troublesome than the alternative.... or B) You could rebel and call him

As a former long-time optician, I believe her because she appears to be removing her glasses by gripping the front rim, not yanking on the temple—which is a good way to break your glasses, yo. Newbies always grab the temples, and then complain when it snaps off or comes unhinged in a couple months.

In situations like that, I find that pretending like I am the dumb one is very effective: Perhaps I have misunderstood. I guess I’d like to make sure I’m answering your question properly. As we have discussed, these are all books which you could purchase immediately, so what are your follow up questions?

What *I* am taking away from your story is that I didn’t even THINK to name my blanket, and Barnabas is the best name ever for a blanket.

I hear what you’re saying, but I think it’s to do with the fact that she has a huge platform from which to espouse whatever ideas she wants. Since there can be no legal trial, only a trial in public opinion, if someone with such a large audience is going to support Cosby, and thereby denigrate the accusers, then there

Your first two sentences, I was along for the joke. But then you actually sold me on the idea.

I just came here to say that your use of the word “askance” here made me love you even more than I did previously. Such poetry.

Haven’t you heard? Fashion trucks are OUT, and food trucks are back IN.

I will admit to knowing little to nothing about Lucille Ball, but man does she strike me as sad and tired in this photo.

My husband is at a party thrown by his father, but I am a rebel and stayed home. So far today, I have taken five naps, each separated by food and netflix. Like, that’s it. Yesterday I finished a 5-week training for work which was intense and also the exact opposite schedule I normally work, so now that it is over I am

This made me laugh so hard my husband just asked me “What’s happening on Jezebel now?” because it’s that time of day for me. :) ilu

I know like, dozens of people who say reesies piecies. I would be willing to spend a week of my life manipulating people into saying it to get you an actual number. I just did a quick survey of my household (4 adults), and we all say it the correct way. For statistical purposes, I’ll tell you that I live in the

I know SO MANY people who say reesies piecies. Like, dozens. For statistical purposes, I’ll say that I live around the Aurora, IL area.

Jia, my dad has been saying this (or some variation thereof) to me for approx 30 of my 31 years. “Their opinion of you is none of your business.” “Your feelings about me [being a huge asshole to my teenaged daughter] are none of my business.” I have never heard anyone else say it, until now. I do agree with you, but I

I don’t have very much advise on how to make large changes, but I’ll tell you about my year (June to June.) Last June 30, I turned 30. My twenties were meh. My husband gets fussy when I say that, because we started dating when I was 23, but I remind him that he is not my whole world, as wonderful as he is (also, you

I consider myself fortunate in that I come from a liberal family. My husband, who is wildly liberal, comes from a large Italian family that ranges from extremely conservative to indifferent. No one claims liberal, possibly because they are afraid of backlash, except Mr. Squalor of course. However, because he

I’m sorry, and my heart goes out across the internet seas to you. All I have to offer is a virtual hug, and a photo of my dog eyeing (haha) some food for warm fuzzies.

I crochet blankets—so I can still lay my ass on the couch, but be slightly productive in that I’ll have made something when I’m done, AND I made a thing that I can cover myself with when I’m feeling down.

Ma’am I FEEL YOU. I am very shy about my bathroom usage because I DON’T KNOW WHY. I am also not amused by toilet humor—poop jokes make me cringe. This is not the exact issue you have described, but it feels close enough for our purposes. Anyway, my husband and I have been together 8 years, and I still, to some extent,