

So much for the theory that paid services can do better with niche TV shows because ratings don't matter as much as on a network.

And Dave was also not completely against going political. I don't think I'd agree with his politics, but can you imagine Fallon getting into a loud argument with Bill O'Reilly??

You are really playing it safe when even SNL's political comedy has more of a bite than yours.

And breasts.

Buh? That's not accurate.

Fun fact, When he first came on the scene I thought his name was Baracko Bama. Personally, I think Baracko is a much cooler name.

Disney / LFL didn't get rid of the Expanded Universe because some of the stories weren't good. They did it for the sake of convenience so the hands of future writers aren't tied, and they don't have new movies and TV projects forced to learn and work around decades of stories. But your term "bloated canon" says that

Shit, Cooper, take it easy. Aren't there enough women who want to have sex with you already?

It IS pretty icky.

Give them a little more time. They may explain it in another episode.

Now that Fargo has expanded into two television shows, it's an enjoyable passtime to see which actors can do the accent well, who does it sort of ok, and who sounds like a cartoon voiceover. The "Boston movie" genre is the other place where this sort of observation is fun.

Yes, I know, the reason to recast them as white is potentially motivated by some fear that no one wants to see a movie starring a non-white person. And the reason for doing the other is done with better intentions.

I do really see the point here. Why not cast the characters as they're written. But would I be labeled an extreme right wing Tea Partier if I point out that when white characters are recast with minorities, any one complaining is instantly considered a racist?

Sad that LucasArts was considering putting out a sequel celebrating a lot of their 90s games. Sam & Max at least returned from TellTale Games.

Also, no ballrooms with giant skylights. Batman does not pay those bills for you.

…better maintain the botanical gardens, beef up security at all research labs…

I'm not going to try to wake a witty quip here. Just want to say I'm happy someone is calling attention to the mental health issue. I'm not against stricter gun laws at all, but mental health has to be addressed, too. It can't be one or the other.

I was kind of the same way. There's a point I think that you're on the internet, social media, etc, and you feel like you're missing out if you don't watch every TV show. And then you get all these recommendations from friends and it seems like everyone's binge-watching.

I think it was a perfect example of not knowing what to do with a character. She was a mysterious locked-away character, but once she was freed, her main job was to disagree with Crane, feel conflicted about the evil supervillains, etc. I think another problem is she was a way too serious character.