I’m not crazy, but my LOW PRICES are!!!
I’m not crazy, but my LOW PRICES are!!!
LEFT!....LEFT!...LEFT left LEFT!
he should’ve said “yes, blog it.”
Feb. 5, 2016, when I asked Barry if this concept was too stupid and he said “nah, blog it.”
What are these “net points” you speak of?
People in Boston can’t hate David Price anymore that we already do so I think he should.
There is no conflict here. People have free speech, and your employer is free to fire your ass. If I went on a racial tirade in my office, you bet your life I would be out.
I love this and I hope it’s true.
Melania, honey, whatever you paid for that suit was too much. It’s very unflattering.
I’m not there yet, but I will sign off for “Off His Rocker.”
actual teams, like the Cleveland Browns
I wonder what his gift basket budget is for all this?
Richie Sexson.
What about the driving position isn’t weird?
It’s really this simple.
No, the Yankees are not at fault.
This is a bad take
So race targeting by police is worldwide?
Breitbart headline that garners 100K views and 0 comments relating to a professional baseball game.
First off, your photo’s an ‘04/5 9-5 Aero, so that’s probably not super helpful... however, there are two other flaws with your assessment: