If only there was some kind of group... or organization employees could join where they could bargain together for better wages, benefits and hours as a group. A union of sorts...
But oh well, we guess we don’t need those anymore.
If only there was some kind of group... or organization employees could join where they could bargain together for better wages, benefits and hours as a group. A union of sorts...
But oh well, we guess we don’t need those anymore.
Guess we must just be lazy. That’s it, we are lazy.
CS:GO does this pretty well, where if you drop mid match during competitive you get a 30 minute penalty before you can match up again, drop again within a week 60 minutes, etc.. .It seems harsh but even when I’ve lost connection due to Comcast it’s not to horrible to come back to. I bet Capcom could do something a…
While I understand your frustration, I also feel that puzzles like this actually helped me with problem solving at a young age. I had to think outside of the box and while some of them made little sense I still use the techniques today when looking at a larger problem.
How close was the Mall in miles? If it was say 10 miles that means a Tesla could make the round trip 12 times before it needed a charge. (if you made 1 round trip every day that means you’d of made those 4 days with time to spare. The battery doesn’t magically go to zero each day.
Which will drive the demand for more fuel efficient cars. When gas in the US was at 4ish a gallon everyone panicked and bought more fuel efficant cars. Imagine what 5.00 a gallon would do.
You live in Portland don’t you :)
Serious question though, do that many people own cars in NY? I always have heard it’s the “non”-car required mecca.
Which is why I want a car that gets even higher gas mileage. I need to save up for a house and every less visit to the pump is more money in savings. If I can reach a point where I fill my tank up once a week, I’d be very happy.
The reason the sisters of battle are so well equipped is that they found some tech that they sold to the adeptus mechanicus. (Aka the people who make all the Imperium’s weapons) and it was so freaking amazing they paid them in armor and weapons. In the game the sisters are in between Space Marines and Normal Guard.
Well technically she would be wearing power armor in 40k which some of the best armor available that non-space marines can wear. It augments strength and speed as well as plugging into your body and auto sealing wounds etc... that it detects. It’s pretty bad ass stuff.
I’m glad this happened Mid December and not Mid August. Everyone would be wearing grey hoodies and loose pants for Halloween as “Perp Shkreli” lol.
You are leaving out some HUGE contenders, even if you don’t play them.
So, here is some thoughts to comfort you. Yes... there are evil people. Trumps numbers in the primary are what 25-30ish percent? Of... Registered Republicans. Which is currently only around 25% of all registered voters... So really that’s 1 out of 5, out of 1 out of 4... So really 1 out of 20... (Sorry Maths) In TL:DR…
I am personally looking forward to next weeks rotation of The Lost Vikings and Abathur. :D
I love the Total War Games... FLAT OUT LOVE THEM. But for some reason, on release day they just suck it up. Shogun 2 is perhaps one of the best games ever released in that category... Was a big fat resource hog that sucked your computer dry at release. 8 months later... ran like a dream after the code was optimized.
Well.. while the matchmaking is really nice it also creates lazy play and reduces community. This happened with Wow at first the dungeon finder was great, but after a while you realized that you didn’t need to make any lasting friendships to run dungeons, then came raid finder, same thing happened... Now some servers…
My usual response to that, is to say “Don’t confuse my hacking with your sucking.” :)
On the other hand, it gave me an idea that I hadn’t though of before. A full team could be pretty epic if you need to get past a base layer, kind of a last oh shit moment. But that requires me to take the drop ship and not stim drone which is so awesome.
I’d argue it’s more this. He’s got to re-take the site, it’s looking bad and time is dropping. He can pop off a shot and maybe get lucky. It’s the same reason someone will wall bang a room on some maps. You have a feeling someone might be there.