
That is kind of the point, he is two heros and just like 2 hero’s you should rarely face off alone against them. With that being said his high hit-point pool makes him vulnerable to abilities that take off percentages of HP. I melted him multiple times last night with Raynor as my pick and my end game damage was a bit

Would love to take you upon that Eshin#1502 is my ID.

Hey I’d love to take you up on that Eshin#1502 :)

Hey I’d love to take you up on that offer :) Eshin#1502 is me :)

I love the Clueless Gamer bits, I am a hard core gamer and I think it makes them all the more funny. I will even re-watch some of the skits because they make me smile. One of my favorite ones is when he was reviewing “Slender” and making a joke about it being European.

His clueless gamer bits are hilarious. I’d suggest watching them, the Tomb Raider one is great so is the one where he reviews scary games for Halloween.

This is why I’ve sunk all my time into HoTS. I’ve been in multiple matches that if someone were to look at what was going on my team would be put in the “it’s all over but the crying” category, just to see my team turn it around and pull it off at the last second. I love that aspect of HoTS and it was something I

Ow right in the ego!

In my mind I heard Chris Griffon going... WHHHHHUUUUUUUUT?

Maybe Family Guy was right and they are paying by the laser :D.

Pllaaayin, Playing with the force...

Damnit! Doesn’t blizzard understand I HAVE a Career! I have to eat... Between WoW, HoTS, Hearthstone and now Overwatch I going to be in trouble. You’ve found the golden spot Yannick, you get to play all the video... I mean, AHEM... Review video games for a gaming website. (And also play all the games you can handle.)

When I first ran into his shield last week I was ready to punch a keyboard. Once I understood that he’s conditional on his attacks, stuns, even short ones were the way to go. Slam him around a bit with Diablo and with an assassin he melts.

The lightning beam is super annoying but no where near as deadly as that

I know this is almost 20 days late but, I’d love to have the chance to join you sometime. I’m sure you have a ton of people in line, but I’m happy to throw my name in the hat my blizzard ID is Eshin#1502.

Mega 64... Now that is a group I’ve not thought about in a long time.

Plus, really GOOD pixel art... is not easy to do.

Well there is artificial gravity, energy fields that keep the vacuum of space out, lasers that travel slower then the speed of light, turning on a dime and not pulping the pilot inside the ship, vertical takeoff without vertical thrusters....

But fuck if I care :), it’s Star Wars!

That’s my theory, I get the feeling meetings are like this:

Steam: We want this level of support, with this type of involvement.
3rd Party: We can give you that level of support but we need to make money too, so it will cost this much.
Steam: Oooo that’s too much, what can we get for this?
3rd Party: Yeah we are not

I’d be curious, have you guys been able to get in touch with any valve support reps? I’ve had the pleasure of working for many large and a few small companies as a tech-support rep (some were great and client focused, others more metrics and number focused) and I’d be really curious to hear the reps side of the tale.


Damn, wish I had refreshed sooner. I would have loved to watch this live. Do you guys send out reminders when something like this will happen? If so, how do I go about getting on that list :).