Roc Kit

The specifics of the Soldiers & Sailors have been mentioned, but it’s also worth pointing out that re-enacters show up at Gettysburg so fucking much that it seems pretty normal in Pennsylvania. Add Valley Forge, the Amish, and the beet farmer cosplayers and the state has re-enactments of something going on every

Given that Marcus is his own son, it seems reasonable to me that he is also his own grandfather. I assume he was killed off-panel by Claremont threatening to burn the fucking building down, and buried by Busiek, but I never noticed any reason within the Shooter stories not to think that Marcus would travel to the

She does use vibrato, which is either your thing or not, but she can pack a wallop. Check out Little Sparrow or The Grass Is Blue, a couple of albums that benefit from stripped down production.

He might also have been trying to distance himself from Boehner the way he’s been distancing himself from Manafort and Papadopaulos. The fact that Boehner really isn’t directly connected to Trump and not part of a criminal conspiracy isn’t the point, maybe Trump reflexively says “who’s that?” about anyone who isn’t

I had an idea for a version of Starfox that was Thanos’ brother but also incorporated aspects of Adam Warlock (especially Life Avatar) as my candidate for MCU Peter Quill’s Dad. I wanted him played by Jack “Joffrey” Gleeson as an immortal eurotrash bro.

No, Death of the Endless would have an earnest, understanding talk with Thanos, and let him move on. Marvel’s Death is as cold as she needs to be, and it’s this kind of silent turning away that keeps Thanos good at his role as Avatar of Death.

Nope, that was a version of Immortus (who is probably also Kang), who is mostly about time travel but abducted and raped Carol Danvers using a mind control house.

The most plausible explanation that comes most immediately to my mind is that he echoed bad things said about Boehner by Fox and Breitbart without ever really thinking about or remembering Boehner.

Because why would Nick Fury want to flood my starship and rust my gauntlet? To what end?

Maybe it’s only when being asked about his own work and his own process, that’s not something everyone can (or wants to) articulate.

I found out about Grand Design through Jay Edidin’s interview with Ed Piskor, and I learned two things: This comics sounds great, and Piskor is terrible at being interviewed.

Two recent primaries* of note: Sitting Governor Olene Walker losing to Jon Huntsman, Jr. - as far as I can tell, that one was straight up misogyny. Sitting Senator Bob Bennett losing in 2010 to Mike Lee - that one was a harbinger of the Tea Party, the inexperienced idiot claiming that Bennett was an establishment tool

Fucktard is both less offensive and easier to type.

(Arkansas is a real place, not a misspelling of Alaska)

Thank you very much, South Carolina.

Mrs. Kit’s theory is that he had a really bad first marriage and ended up terrified of women.

It’s no surprise to me that Smith wanted to do this, he loves to play the xenophobe. ID4, MiB, IAL, IR - his blockbusters are a long resume of him being racist against nonhumans.

I think Obama might or might not have expected either of those, but he fundamentally trusted the American voters, and expected Trump to be defeated in a landslide no meddling could erase.

That would make sense if strangeWindmill gets paid to be on television.