Roc Kit

Another way Mormons are atypical among Republicans has to do with Missionaries. They’re easy to mock or hate for a variety of valid reasons, but the tradition means both that Mormons are much more likely than other Americans to speak a second language and have extensive experience abroad (of a sort) and also that Utah

Break it down by States, then - a nationwide net 2% gain for Clinton (because of the effect of that imaginary Kasich run taking 2 Trump voters for every one Clinton voter, and getting 3% in every State, just to keep the math simple) would have put her way over the top in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Florida,

Consider what would have happened if 3% of Trump voters and 1% of Clinton voters across the country had instead voted for, let’s say, Kasich running as an Independent. That scenario is a Clinton landslide. You can call the voters of whichever candidate any names, but as a matter of tactics, it’s worth noting how

Thank you. People understand that Austin (also the Capital) is full of hippies and freaks, but they still think SLC means the Mormon Tabernacle Choir...

Just compared to other states, the idiotic anti-Clintonians of Utah did a better (not good enough) job finding Anyone But Trump. If someone like McMullan (like, for example, Johnson, who was on the ballot almost everywhere) had split the Republican vote in way McM did in Utah, Clinton would have won in a landslide. If

Unlikely. Buying newspapers is just the sort of thing Huntsmans do.

Bob Bennett was one of the first mainstream Republicans to get primaried by the early beginnings of the Tea Party, but Hatch would be much tougher - he has an incredibly strong base among LDS voters and Utahns who see the benefit of Senatorial seniority (which seems esoteric, but that kind of group can show up in big

I found Egg McMuffin’s strong showing to be encouraging. There’s no way Utah was going to go for Clinton (or Sanders), but the number of Utahns who absolutely couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Trump shows an awareness of something besides the letter R.

It’s worth noting that Salt Lake City still has two newspapers, with Deseret News being the conservative, LDS-dominated paper, while the Tribune has been leaning to the left for a long time now, serving a city that consistently votes for a liberal Democrat. This isn’t really a surprise or a departure for the Trib, and

Paul Huntsman, Jon’s brother.

Sign me up, I’ll stand vigil right up against their depraved nature.

Interesting. My anecdotal contribution is just that I know a fair number of fellow bus drivers (in the US) who started this job after retiring from law enforcement - I haven’t surveyed their ages, but mid-50's seems to be typical for when they leave the force. My impression is that the 25 or 30 year pension is good

I have no idea how law enforcement pensions work in Europe, ad you’ve intrigued me. Link?

#3 Yeah, I genuinely freaked my daughter out when she was around 4 because she had never seen that clean shaven baby faced weirdo.

Conditioner is usually good enough (always shampoo and conditioner, don’t put soap in your beard) but the best solution is to shave a couple times a year in order to take care of that skin. Also true of the hair on your head, even if you’re not balding.

Wait, what? Kisses are way scratchier with no beard unless Dad shaves like twice a day.

That reminds me - Brother Voodoo is Doctor (yes, of psychology) Voodoo now.

Similar. For example, in the law firm she works at, there are longboxes of Marvel Comics that are admissible as evidence as long as they are considered canonical. Not as much direct fourth wall breaking, but a lot of gags like that.

It could be that the raw materials are much cheaper, but there are small workers manufacturing everything (which seems like it would take more than ten years to develop a community with decent infrastructure, so I don’t know).

Oh yeah, that’s all me.